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[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, Apra 23rd. Envelopes must he received not later than first post that day and mast bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and . 214 stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
I. Even without a label, his luggage showed that he hoped to get to Westminster. (6, 6.) so. Literary hack. (9.) it. The right book for the circulating library. (5.)
12. Pipe attached to a shirt when at sea. (5.)
t3. A bull's-eye for the astronomer. (9.) 14. Character more likely to succeed on the stage than in the kitchen. (7.) 16. Longfellow's best-known village. (6.) to. Does he cure for sixpence? (6.) 25. Is steam generated in the cause of art? (7.)
24. Their drawbacks are really advantages. (9.)
26. He had no superstitions about Fri- . day. (5.) 27. She may mean peace, but she starts crossly. (5.)
28. Half-way to the altar.' (9.)
29. I lose talents. ■Ana8.)
2. It separates sailors from a portent. (5. 4.) 3. A sixth of 20. (5-)
4. Colour a wench in Cornwall. (8.) 5. What Robin promised to restore. (6.) 6. Italian biscuit. (9)
7. " Even the weariest - Winds somewhere safe to sea." (Swin- burne.) (5.)
8. Condiments arranged to end a quarrel. (5.) 9. Spanish capital letter? (7.) 15. Recipe for early rising if divided. (9.) 17. It's virtually Latin. (4, 5.) s8. Endure like a minister. (5, 2.) 19. Frail asp. (Anag.) (8.) 22. What Phyllis never fails to do. (6.)
23. The extremities of the alphabet are reversed and finality's reached in the middle. (5.)
25. Cricket bridge. (5.) 26. Medico goes steerage. (5.)