Independence for Ulster
Sir: To my astonishment, I found myself in total, melancholy agreement with Andrew Alexander's gloomy forecast 'How Ulster could ruin Britain', (29 March) of what may happen in Ulster — except that MY fear is it will happen if there is not a move towards the establishment of an indepen; dent Northern Ireland state. Talk of jetti- soning' Northern Ireland is now irrelevant; it is the Protestant majority there who have made it clear that they do not care to stay in the United Kingdom on the terms that this Government, overwhelmingly backed at Westminster, have laid down. To pre- vent chaos, what is needed is a search for a constitution which will protect the minority from Stormont-style domination; reassure the majority that there will be no takeover by the Republic; and allow a phased withdrawal of British rule. This would be a far from ideal solution; but it is beginning to look as if there is no alternative.
Brian Inglis
23 Lambolle Road, London NW3