Independence For Ulster
Sir: To my astonishment, I found myself in total, melancholy agreement with Andrew Alexander's gloomy forecast 'How Ulster could ruin Britain', (29 March) of what may happen in......
Letters Loseff On Liberty
Sir: While in London for a short visit, I was shown the article by Christopher Hitchens, `Liberty for Jew baiters' (1 March). I cannot comment on most of the article, because......
Editors And Censors
Sir: In his admirable television commen- tary 'The absurdity of censorship' (5 April) I find it surprising that Alexander Chancel- lor, of all people, should fail to recognise......
Genetic Disorders
Sir: Andrew Gimson's review of the pre - sent state of embryo experimentation (`In - humanity beyond conception', 5 April) was admirable. It tended, however, to present a more......