12 AUGUST 1837, Page 12



The Consol Market has been heavy during the whole of the week, with a tendency to decline. There has, however, been no material variation of price, premium on Exchequer Bills and India Bonds has declined from 52s. and 53s.

capital so great as to cause some uneasiness as to the exchanges, which are just tion for Spanish Active is 21i to 22i. Portuguese Five per Cents. have Idles, Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents, exhibited a tendency to improve shout standing a meeting of the Bondholders was held on Wednesday, at which Messrs. LISA ant, agents for the Mexican Government, explained a new pro- ject for payment of the Bonds ; the chief feature of which seems to be, the offer of land in Texas, where the Mexican Government has no authority what- ever, in part of the debt,—on the condition, too, of a further advance of solid cash, to the amount of about 100,000/. It is presumed that this iiihicul050 proposition will be scornfully rejected by the Bondholders. The Bonds are quoted at 24 and 25. By the New York packet, which left on the 17th of July, about half-a- million of dollars was received by the chief American houses in London and Liverpool. Many failures had occurred in new York, and there was much un- certainty as to the winding-up of the concerns of the embarrassed houses. The establishment of a National Bank, to which many of the opponents of the United States Bank, and even, it is said, the President VAN BUREN himself, had become favourable, formed a principal topic of discussion in the L'otted States. The puce of sovereigns in 1Sew York was five dollars and forty cents; which ehows the rate of exchange to be a trifle in favour of this country. The Railway Shares have not experienced much fluctuation. London and Biimingliam are 89 to 41 prem. ; Great Western 68 to 78 prem. North Midland par to I prem. ; Rennie's Brighton 28 to 2 div.; Croydon 6 to 5 du.; Southampton 20 to 19; and Greenwich 7 to 6 din.


There is literally nothing doing either in the English or Foreign markets, and the above quotations are consequently chiefly nominal ones. Thin state of things will probably continue until the excitement caused by the elections shall have subsided. At present these appear wholly to engross public attention. which has ranged from 918 and 8 to 92; it is now 911 for the Account. The to 47s. and 49s. Money generally is plentiful ; and the quantity of unemployed in the state that requires most circumspection.

There has been little variation in the prices of Spaniel] Stock. The quota.

in consequence of the disturbances in Portugal, from 418 to 391.

the middle of the week, and were done at 53,1 ; but have since delined to 5211. There has been no excitement in the market for Mexican Stock, notwith-

3 pet Cent. Consuls Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced New 3i per Cent. Anus Bank Stock Wks Stock Ditto Bonds

Exchequer Bills

Velgian 5 per Cents 914 I 9i t 928 991 It 2104 431S 47 49 47 49 1021 Brazilian 5 per Cents. Dutch 24 per Cents Danish Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts

Ditto 3 vet Cent.

Russiau (1922)5 per Cent Spanish (1835) Suer Cent Deferred Stock Passive Ditto • 521 401 251 I


211 2 .• ••••••