Mr. Robert Owen Has Been Lecturing At The Hotel De
Ville in Paris, on his plans for reconstructing society and reforming the world. The first lecture was on Sunday last. A correspondent of the Globe gives the following account......
The Commissioners Of Woods And Forests, Acting Upon Plans...
by her Majesty the Queen, remarkable for the taste and judgment in arrangement which they display, have given orders for the immediate employment of several hundred persons, for......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCUANOZ, FRIMY AFTERNOON. The Consol Market has been heavy during the whole of the week, with a tendency to decline. There has, however, been no material variation of......
The Earl Of Errol Has Written A Letter To The
Standard, denying the truth of a report mentioned in that paper, that he bad used the Queen's name at Richmond to influence the electors to vote for the Liberal candidates in......
SATURDAY. We have no additions to the election returns; but, from the stalest the Irish polls, we see that some of the seats which the Libe ra l, claimed as secure are in......
The Army.
Wait-or:Am Aug. 8. — lot or Grenadier Regt. ef Foot Guards—Ensign and Limit. A. Cox to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Beresford. who retire.; It. P. Dawsou, Gent. to be......