Wait-or:Am Aug. 8.—lot or Grenadier Regt. ef Foot Guards—Ensign and Limit. A. Cox to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Beresford. who retire.; It. P. Dawsou, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut, by purchase. vice Cox. Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards—Col. J. Fremantle to be Lieut.-Col, by purchase, vice F. M. Sidman. who xetires upon haltpay unattached ; Capt. and Lieut -Col. C. A. Shame to be Major with the rank of Col by purchase, vice l'remantle; Lieut.-Col. A. Du Bourilieu. from Dalf-pay unattached. to be Capt. vice Shrive; Lieut. and Capt. Hon. .1. Hope to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice illonrdieu. who satires; Lieut. awl AAR. D. M. Chisholm to have the rank of Lieut. and Capt.; Ensign and Lieut. S. It. Conroy to be tient. and Capt. by purchase, vice Hope; F. II. Russell, Gent. to be Ensign and Ls it. by purchase, vice Conroy. Memorandum—The haltpay of the undementioned Offices has been cancelled from the dates set against their Datot.O. inclusive. they having accepted commuted allowances for their commissions, viz. rapt. W. 11. Bacchus. half pay lot Provisional Bat. of Militia, from the 17th June 1837. Ensign L. Redo,. halIpay hat Light In. Autry Bat. King's German Legion. from 8;11 Aug. 1837. Wan OFFICE, August 11.—Coldstream Ike. root Guards—Hon. V. Dawson In be to and Lieut, by purchase, ice Russell, whose appointment has uot taken place. Scots Fusilier Guards—Col, J. Aitchison to be Limit:Col. by pureltme Mercer, who retires upon halt pay unattached; Col. W. H. Scott to be 51eir chase, vice Aitchison; Lient,Col..1. 0. Glover, from half-pay unattached, toile le' rice Scott ; Lieut. and Capt. 5.0. Robinson to be Capt. and Lieut..Col. by vice Glover, who retires ; Ensign and Lieut. R. Moorsom to be Lieut. aud 6,7 pitrebase, vice Robinson ; Ensign C. A. F. Berkeley, from the 11th Foot. to be t';;;" and Lieut. by purchase. vice Moorsom. 11th Foot—C.D. Osborn, Gent, to he E;,71i by purchase, vice Berkeley, appointed to the Scots Fusilier Guards. 12th Foot-6,N? E .%Valhouse to be Capt. by purchase, vice Bayley, who retires ; Ensign T. A. fi;,.. to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Walhouse. 14th Foot—Lieut, D. 141Ther, Imre iisitn; 79th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hon. B. C. Yelverton. who exchanges. 211 Foot-et P. Moore, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Stewart, who retires. 28th Foot4T Postlethwaite, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Macdonnell, who retires. jE Foot—Gent. Cadet P. L. C. Paget, from the Royal Mil. Col. to be Ensign. purchase, vice Macpherson, promoted in the Royal African Colonial Corps. 69thls, —D. Edward, Gent. to be Assist..Surg. vice Flyter, appointed to the 49th Foot. ^e, Foot--Gent. Cadet L. Coker, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, uithou1ee. chase, vice Morris. dec. 81st Foot—F. E. Sorell, Gent, lobe Ensign, by purehaseW.: Faulkner, who retires. 83d Foot—Lieut. W. S. Durk. from the 94th Foot, to be la,' vice Bowles, who exchanges. 94th Foot—F. W. Bowles, from the 133,1 Foot, tit; Lieut. vice Dune, who exchanges. 96th Foot —Limit. G. Anderson to be Capt3, purchase, vice Auldjo, who retires; Ensign B. II. Tarleton to be Lieut. by piod,,, vice Anderson; A. Fraser, Gent, to be Ensign, liy purchase, vice Tarleton. Unattached—Lieut. J. Watson, from the 38th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase. Staff—Col. C. H. Churchill, of the 31st Foot, to be Quartermaster-General toll Queen's Troops serving in the East Indies, vice Major-Gen. Sir J. Dickson,, Hospital Staff—To be AssistoSurgeons to the Forces—W. 14PCaskill, M.D.. E Robertson, M.D.; F. Roberts. Gent. vice Dick, appointed to the 12th Foot. Memorandum—Capt. C. Beale, upon unattached, has been allorto retire from the service, by the sale of an Unattached Commission, he being shoe, t, become a settler in the Colonies.
OFFICE OW ORDNANCE, August 8.—RoyalRegt. of Artillery—Sec. Capt. T. A, 14. bridge lobe Adjt. vice Smith, retired.