12 AUGUST 1837, Page 9

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A meeting was held at the King's Head in the Poultry, on Monday, to set on foot a subscription for the relief of the unemployed weavers of Paisley. A deputation, headed by the Reverend Dr. Burns, at- tended to lay a statement of the distress before the meeting. Dr. Burns said, the weavers and their families requiring charitable assistance

could not be fewer than 20,000. The sum of 8,1461. had been sub, scribed for their relief-5,000/. of it in Paisley ; but that money was

spent, and 8001. more burrowed by the treasurer. Several other par- ticulars confirmatory of the statement of Dr. Burns were made by different members of the deputation. A subscription was immediately

commenced ; Mr. thistle, M. P. for Paisley, giving 201., and his brother 4251. The Queen has since given 200/.. and Lord Melbourne has headed a Ministerial subscription with IOW. [The True Sun, in re-

ference to this subscription, properly remarks, that, though the con- sideration ought not to check the subscription for the relief of the sufferers, it would be well to remember, that owing to the Corn-laws a very large proportion of time money raised will go into the pockets of the landlords : it might be added, that but for the tax on bread, it is very probable there would be no distress at Paisley, and no need of a subscription. The poor men are willing to work, but the landowners shut them out of the natural markets for their labour.] The members of Mr. Horsley Palmer's Election Committees dined together oil Wednesday, at the City of London Tavern. They talked valiantly about a seretilly, and turning out Mr. Grote. We shall scarcely believe that they will venture on an investigation of the kind threatened, until we see the Committee balloted for : but should it take place, the investigation, if properly conducted on the Liberal side, should lead to the disfranchisement of several hundred venal paupers, on whom the Tories very much rely in City contests. It does not ap-

pear that Alderman Lucas, that great commodore whom the London Waterinen obey, was present at the dinner, or sanctioned the proposed scrutiny. Would it not be well for the Liberal Committee to com- mence actions for the recovery of the bribery penalties, in some notori- ous instances ?

At the Mansionhouse, on Thursday, Lord Mayor Kelly empha- tically contradicted a statement given in a letter to the Morning Chro- nicle, that he had voted for the Tory candidates in East Surry, The Lord Mayor said that, since his accession to office, he had carefully avoided interference with party politics.

Mr. Robinson, having lost his seat in Parliament, offered to resign the Chairmanship at Loyd's, but was unanimously requested to re- tain the office.