STOCK Excti8N08. FRIDAY AFPIERN008. The decline in the exchanges noticed in our last has not continued; a com- plete change having taken place; and on Tuesday last the rise in the rates on Paris, Holland, and Hamburg, was nearly as great as the previous decline: this tendency to improvement has continued today, and the lost ground has been entirely recovered. The English Funds also experienced a considerable improvement; the rise in Consols and Reduced Three per Cents having at One period exceeded A per cent. Prices gave way yesterday in consequence of a large sale by the Chancery-broker. This morning a temporary firmness was given to the market by a purchase of 50,000/. by the Bank-broker; but several sales have since occurred, and the decline has been nearly as extensive as the recent improvement ; Consols for Money and Account having been done at 94, but closing at an advance—viz. 94h 3. Exchequer Bills have experienced a alight advance, but we cannot notice any important operations in them. The intelligence received at the close of the last week from Mexico pro- duced a very favourable effect upon the value of the Mexican Bonds ; which have been as high as 36, thus marking an advance of 2 per cent upon our last quotations. This improvement induced many of the holders at low prices to sell ; and the consequence has been a reaction of lh per cent ; since which, the market has been firm between 341 and 351. Columbian Bonds are without any material change. Milian continue in de- mand ; but, from the limited amount of stock, and the indisposition of the real holders to sell, the transactions in it are rare. Brazilian Bonds are without any material variation : 15nrie transactions bare occurred in the New Brazilian Bonds of 1843, at 65s. The Portuguese Annuities, arising with the last- named Brazilian Bonds out of the conversion of Goldsmid's Portuguese Loan, have been done at 63 and 66 years' purchase. The arrival in London of the Marquis of PALMELLA has given rise to a report that his visit is for the purpose of definitively coucluding the Tariff. An impetus has conse- quently been gives to the Portuguese Securities, which were at one time 2 per cent above our lad quotations. The market has since shown slight symp- toms of reaction; and the closing price of today is within 3 to b per cent of the highest quotation. The intelligence of the flight of Esmaxsuo gave an up- ward impulse to Spanish Stock ; but as every day's post brings account of increasing disunion among the factions that have displaced the Regent, the ardour of the speculators has cooled; the quotations today are 4 per cent below the highest of the week, and 1 percent below those of last Saturday. The announcement of the determination of the Dutch Government to impose an Income-tax upon their funds, has caused a decline in the prices of the Two- and-a-half per Cents, which have fallen about 1 per cent : but the Five per Cents have maintained their prices. This measure, if carried, will press severely upon the numerous Eugliah holders, as in addition to the local tax they will have to pay our own. The business in Shares, has been of an extensive and general character, and there appears to be a good demand for most of the current varieties, without, however, causing any great improvement in prices. Among the Mining Shares, those of St. John Del Rey are the most favourite, and have advanced recently about 2/. per Share. The Australian Bank Shares are heavy ; but those of most of our Joint Stock Banks are in demand. Railway Shares are also sought after ; but prices do not advance materially, except in the case of the Brighton, Croydon, and one or two others, where special circumstances of im- provement have occurred.
No change or business of importance has occurred in the English Funds. The prices of most of the Foreign Bonds are also without variation, and no transactions requiring remark have occurred in them. We have to notice several bargains in Shares ; some of the Railways being at a slight decline upon previous prices, as will be seen by the quotations below. Mines—Bolanos, Scrip, 43 h • Del Monte, Unregistered, 43. Rail- ways—Birmingham and Derby, 45; Great Western, 89; Brighton, 341 Blackwall, di i; Birmingham, New 381; South-western, 653; Midland Counties, 69 70; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 14; North Midland, 723; South- eastern and Dover 20 1; Ditto, Scrip 261. 3 per Cent Consols 941 4 s Chilian Deferred 37 9
Ditto for Account 941 4 Colombian 6 per Cents,1824. 241 34 3 per Ceut Reduced 991 5 Dan,sh 3 per Cents 85 6
at per Cent Ditto. 102f 1 Dutch 24 per Cents 521 6
New 3t per Cents . 1011 4 Ditto 5 per Cents . 1004 1 Bank Stock for Account 1814 21 Mexican 5 per Cents Consd . 341 5
Exchequer Bills pm. 57 61 Portuguese New 5p. Cu. 1841 911 4 India Stock 263 5 Russian 5 per Cents 116 17 Brazilian 5 per Cents 70 2 Spanish (Aptire)5 per Cents. 181 4 Belgian 5 per Cents 1031 44 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 25) 4 Chilian6 per Cents .... 98 100
All the English and Foreign Funds are at yesterday's quotations, with but very little business doing. The only bargain in Shares is one in those of the
Brighton Railway, at 34h.