Fine Arts.
THE NEW PALACE AT WESTMINSTER. THE " Palace at Westminster," as the new Houses of Parliament are officially called, is rapidly rising on the river-side. The magnitude of the......
East India Shipping.
The Osceola, Luke, from Moulmein to London, put into St. Helena, 19th June, leaky. The Adventurer, for Sundown Bay to Algae Bay, was wrecked at the former Port previous to 25th......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. '
BIRTHS. On the 30th July, at Piltodrie House, the Lady of ALAN C. DUNLOP, Esq., of a son. On the let August, at Sandy Cove, the Lady of James Duro); MACNAMARA, Esq., of Ayl,......
Military Gazette.
OFF/CE or ORDNANCE. Aug 7.-Royal Artillery-Second Lieut. W. IL N. Taylor, to be First Lieut. vice Maud. dec. WAR OFFICE. Aug. 1L-Coldstream Guards-Capt. H. W. Cumming, from the......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, August 1. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Fox and Co. Gloucester. merchants-Fox and Co. Plymouth, merchants . ; as far as regards T. and H. Fox-Watson and Duckworth.......