12 AUGUST 1843, Page 20


The Osceola, Luke, from Moulmein to London, put into St. Helena, 19th June, leaky. The Adventurer, for Sundown Bay to Algae Bay, was wrecked at the former Port previous to 25th May.

The George Wallis. Humphrey, from London to China, wag wrecked in the Straits of Sunda on the 8th December; crew saved. The Malays plundered the wreck and afterwards burnt it.

Aegivsts-At Gravesend. 6th Ang. Duke of Bedford, Sullivan ; and John Wickliffe,

Chevue, from Calcutta. on. Portland, Duke of Argyle, Bristow°. from Madras; and Burciampooter. Brown, from Calcutta. Off Torbay, Pauline Houghton. Tait, from Mauritius. Off Kingsbridge, Apame. Wilson. from Alecto Bay. Qff Plymouth, Wil- liam Gilles, Clark. from Chiva. Off the Lizard, Lord Aueklaud, Jardine, from Cal. cattle. At Liverpool, 7th Aug. Mary Ray. Ellwood. from Calcutta; and 9th Lady Clarke, Lawrence, from Chiva. At St. Helena, previous to 24th June, Powers Aun, Thompson ; and Ann Jane, Rigby. from Singapore ; Birman, Cleland, from Manilla; Edward Bilton, Ik11; Java. Pickering; Dauntless, Wakefield; John Wickliffe, Cheyne; Lady Faversham, Webster; Bolton, Robinson ; Harmony, Douglas; and Marmion, Ewing. from Calcutta; Halifax P.:cket, Colford. from Ceylon ; Margaret, Roach; Bencoolen. M'Carty; and Champion, Cochraue, from Bombay. At the Cape of God Hope, 25th May. Margaret, Dye, from Liverpool ; 26th, England, Boothby, from Bombay; and 28th, Mischief. Downs, from Liverpool. SAILED-From Gravesend, 10th Aug. Earl of Hardwicke. Henning. for Calcutta; elnd Wellington. Keurick; and Mary Ann. Jacque. for Madras. From Liverpool, 7th ditto, John Moore. Withycomhe; aud Stirliugshire, Davidson, Br Bombay ; and Senator. Kerr. for Batavia; 8t1t, Allertou. Phillips. for China; 10th. Ann, Salkeld, or Bombay; sod Majestic. Isbester, for Calcutta.