12 AUGUST 1865, Page 3
The leading British Railways left off at the following prices
yesterday and on Friday week :—
Caledonian ..
Great Eastern .. ••
• •
Great Northern ..
Great Western.. .. • • • . • •
Friday, August 4.
132} 47} 1311 65 Friday, August 11.
1321 .• 47} 131 641
Do. West Midland, Oxford • •
421 Lancashire and Yorkshire 120
• •
London and Brighton .. 107
1061 London end North-Western 1221
1231 London and South-Western 100
991 London, Chatham, and Dover •. 40
Lsei • .
1221 North•Eastern, Berwick •. 1111 •• 1101
Do. York .. ••■
10n •• 108