, A Remarkable Murder Has Been Committed This Week. On
Saturday a man called at the Star Coffeehouse, Red Lion Street, Holborn, and asked for accommodation for three children, aged six, eight, and ten. They were, he said, going to......
News Of The Week.
MHE week has not been so dull. We have had a rumour of war between two great Powers, an angry correspondence be- tween Lord Malmesbury and Mr. Gladstone, a decidedly interesting......
The Prussian Lawyers Have Given In Their Report On The
right of succession to the Duchies. They say it legally rests with King Christian, and has been by him legally transferred to his con- querors. The report has created some......
The Queen Quitted London For Germany On Tuesday, To Be
present at the inauguration of the Coburg memorial to the Prince Consort.......
Abd-el-kader, Once A Sovereign Emir, And Still One Of The
most influential Mussulmans alive, with a grand pedigree and the re- putation of having saved the Christians of Damascus, has come to England. and gone away again. Nobody paid......
Immediately After He Commission Of This Murder Southey,...
name is Forewood, or Forward, went down to Rams- gate to see his wife, whom he had not seen for eight years, and asking to speak to her alone, shot her and his little girl, and......
Nothing Has Been Heard During The Week From The Great
Eastern or of the Atlantic cable. Some score or two of theories have been published, of which the most probable is that the electricians discovered a flaw, and have been since......
Reuter's Account Of The Offers Made By Austria To Prussia
for the disposal of the Duchies was substantially correct, but Herr von 13istnark refused them all. It is now said that the Kaiser has offered to give up his request for......