12 AUGUST 1893, Page 1


THE French elections take place on Sunday week, and the electoral campaign is being conducted with unusual vehe- mence. Two public utterances have attracted special attention, --the letter of the Archbishop of Aix, published in Thursday's Figaro, and a speech made by M. 016menceau. The Archbishop insists that though the Pope urges Frenchmen to accept the Republic without restriction, "he does not ask us to accept, and still less to love, the present Republic." "Better than any one, the Pope knows that we are not living under a Republic, but under Freemasonry." Is not this Freemasonry -on the brain P We do not expect the Church to tolerate Free- masons, but it is foolish to treat Freemasonry as "the scarlet woman." M. Clemenceau denounces the Church as " the greatest organised political force in existence," and as " always asking for toleration, always working for domination."