Canine Guardians.
[TO TUE EDITOR OF TUE SPECTATOR."] SIR., —I am reminded by the anecdote related in the Spectator of July 15th, "A Canine Guardian," of the sagacity of a favourite Scotch terrier......
PROFESSOR RAMSAY'S " CHURCH IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE."* AFTER telling us that for some time, with "much interest and zeal, but with little knowledge," he had followed the destructive......
Another Watch-dog.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR."] Sin,--I can give an instance as convincing as that of Miss Marsh-Caldwell of the way in which a true watch-dog will measure the extent of......
[to My Editor Of The "speotatolt,"] Bir,—not Long Ago I
was passing a barn-yard in this place, and stood to look over the gate at a pretty half-grown lamb standing alone outside the barn. But the sight of me so en- raged a fierce,......