12 AUGUST 1893, Page 1

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister, questioned by Mr. Jacks as

to whether the Government had come to any decision upon the holding of an autumn Session, replied first to a question which Mr. Jacks had not asked, and then, with great caution, to the question that he had asked. The Government adhered, he said, to their intention not to advise the adjournment of the House until the Home-rule Bill had been sent-up to the Lords and Supply bad been voted. Then, turning to the question put to him, he said that "the Government will be disposed then to advise an adjournment of the House with a view to autumn sittings for the despatch of business,"—a declaration received with loud cheers from the Ministerialists and Irish Nationalists, But Mr. Gladstone was wary, and committed himself only to the disposition of the Government. As for the disposition of the House, that is likely to be one thing in early August, and another thing in early October, which is probably as soon as the adjournment can possibly take place. After sitting from February till October, it will cost many tempers and more lives to begin again in November.