12 AUGUST 1893, Page 25

More About the Mongols. By J. Gilmour, M.A. (Religious Tract

Society.) —This volume contains extracts from the diaries and other remains of Mr. Gilmour. There are things which will make some readers start with something like horror. "Did it never occur to you," asks our author, "that while all the fine flirtation mentioned in Genesis was going on at the well, old Laban was fuming for his supper P N.B.—Don't send Rebecca again for water to a busy well." But what, we may ask, had Rebecca to do with Laban P In Rebecca's case there was no flirtation, but a very business-like arrangement with the envoy. Mr. Gilmour, as may be supposed, says what he thinks with much plainness of speech, as when he describes his impatience with his dreary and tiresome teacher on p. 134 seq. It is curious to see the energy with which he pronounces against tobacco. He made it a sine qua non that a convert must give it up.