Out of Doors in Tsarland. By Fred J. Wishaw. (Longmans.)—
This is a moat readable book. The author is a keen sportsman. He tells us how he hunted bears and wolves, and how he shot foxes—not a crime, but a good action, it must be understood, in Russia—what sport he had with capercailzies, woodcock, snipe, and what the angler may expect to find in Russian waters. The chapter on "Bruin " is particularly good. The bear is now commonly shot ; in former days he was killed with the spear. One adventurous hunter whom Mr. Wishaw knows was not content with the danger of bear-sticking, but took to killing them with a knife, Even now, when the rifle is commonly used, danger is not wholly absent. There is a vivid picture of out-door life in the four chapters which describe "A Week among the Snow-Tracks." Besides these we have some graphic sketches of Russian life. Mr. Wishaw has a kindly feeling for the Russian peasant, but is not blind to his faults. If he would but care a little more for truth and a little less for vodka, he would be much better than ho is. The author has a very pretty gift for description, and he has the rare faculty of being funny without being tiresome.