12 AUGUST 1899, Page 1


THE latest news in regard to South Africa is undecisive. Friday's telegrams report that Mr. Chamberlain's despatch is still under consideration at Pretoria. That is, his request for a Joint Commission to examine the effects of the Franchise Law has not as yet been refused. It seems probable, however, that in the end the Boers will not agree to the Joint Commission, but that they will intimate that they are willing to afford information on the subject, and to receive suggestions from the Imperial Government. If this is honestly meant we do not see why the Imperial Govern- ment should not appoint their own Commission (to which the Boers will put their case by supplying information), and when the report is made, forward it to the Transvaal Executive with a polite but firm intimation that they consider such-and- such things absolutely necessary to make the Franchise Act an adequate settlement. Meantime the military situation is being slowly but steadily modified in favour of the Imperial Government That this will provoke the Boers to hostile action we do not believe. It is far more likely to make them realise that it is not worth their while to take up an un- reasonable attitude on the franchise question.