12 AUGUST 1899, page 24

The Story Of Eclipses. By George F. Chambers. (g. Newnes.

ls.)—The special object of this little volume, which is generally a sequel to the author's "Story of the Solar System" and "$tory of the Stars," is to give an account of the......

The Annals Of A Border Club. By George Tancred. (t.

S. Small, Jedburgh.)—" The Borderers have long been noted," says the author of this book, perhaps quite unnecessarily, "for a clannish tenacity which they carry with them into......

The Strand Magazine. — If Imitation Is The Sincerest...

Magazine may plume itself on receiving the most un- equivocal marks of approval from a great many quarters. It was the first of the new type of "popular" magazine which has......

Thousandth Anniversary Of Alfred The Great. It Is Edited By

the Mayor of Winchester, whose Christian name we observe is "Alfred " ; it has a charming introduction by Sir Walter Besant, a frontispiece poem by the Poet-Laureate, and a......

The Sources Of Archbishop Parker's Collection Of Mss. By...

Rhodes James, Litt.D. (Deighton, Bell, and Co.)— Dr. James has set himself to solve a difficult problem. He has to repair, so to speak, the injuries inflicted by the neglect, or......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Britain On and Beyond the Sea. By Cecil H. Crofts, M.A. (W. and A. K.......

The Modern Adam ; Or, How Things Are Done. By

Arthur W. A'Beckett. (Hurst and Blackett. 3s. 6d.)—Under the title of The Modern Adam Mr. A'Beckett publishes a series of sketches satirising the machinery of contemporary life.......