SIR,—It would seem that in my county we do things
better than in Mr. Robinson's. Designs of all buildings' subrniued to the Planning Authority are vetted by an advisory panel of the Council for the Preser- vation of Rural England. This panel consists of architects appointed by the local architectural society, with a sprinkling of builders and laymen, and the County Planning Committee welcomes their help and accepts their recommendations.
Few of us want to censor anything, but. in the case of building—the only art which none of us can avoid—censorship can surely be justified. In Worcestershire at least it is leading to the elimination of the lowest forms of building and is encouraging good design—even some which, in Mr. Robinson's words, might be thought to step over the existing boundaries of architecture I I suggest that the title of this corre- spondence be altered. to " Jerrybuilders in Chains."—Yours faithfully,
The Old Rectory, Holt, near Worcester. HUMPHRY PAKINGTON.