An English Village
Little Gacidesden. By Vicars Bell. (Faber. 12s. 6d.) IF the record of an ordinary English village is to interest the general public, it must show some outstanding feature or......
The Education Of The Eye
Murray's Berkshire Architectural Guide. Edited by John Betjeman and John Piper. (Murray. 18s.) How many of us owe part of our education in matters of the eye to the Shell......
Life With Americans
American Excursion. By J. E. Morpurgo. (Cresset Press. I2s. 6d.) MR. MORPURGO was an undergraduate and later a fellow of William and Mary University in Virginia, and a history......
Blind Man's Bull. By Robert Neumann. (Hutchinson International Authors. I2s. 6d.) THE general reader may not be particularly interested in the way in which a novelist goes about......