12 DECEMBER 1868, Page 18

Italy and her Capital. By E. S. G. S. (Freeman.)—E.

S. G. S. travelled in Garibaldian costume (does she mean the " rod shirt 1) and consequently, as she tells us, her journey through the north of Italy " was a sort of triumphal march." She tried the experiment of open- air preaching in Venice, the place being still in the occupation of the Austrians, and we very much regret that she did not think of trying it in Rome. Besides this, she journeyed to Caprera in order to present the great Italian patriot with a Pilgrim's Progress. There is a sincerity and, what is not so common, a benevolence about her zeal which make us disinclined to criticize her harshly. We will do nothing more than express our admiration of the courtesy with which the Continental nations treat such strange visitors, and our hope that when they are sufficiently advanced to send us the like, we shall have the grace to imitate their example.