Dora. By Julia Kavanagh. 3 Vols. (hurst And Blackott.)—it...
not often happen that the first volume of a novel is the one which could be most easily spared. So it is, however, with Dora. Miss Kavanagh, it seems, must needs have a plot.......
Near The Cloisters. By Dr. Henry Stebbing, F.r.s. 2 Vols.
(Skeet.) —Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this novel is that there is positively not a villain in it. More than once we seem likely to have one. Buchweiss, the......
Ciuldeen's Booxs.—what Is An " Annual "? We Had Supposed
the name to signify a yearly publication. Such were the annuals which flourished in such abundance some thirty or forty years ago. But it seems that the signification of the......
The Search For The Gral. By Julia Goddard. (cassell, Potter,
and Galpin.)—A pretty story, which we may safely pronounce to be better than many that present themselves in a more ambitious form. An enthusiastic girl neglects the substantial......
With The Tide. By Sidney Daryl. (hodder And...
is the sort of tale which boys really like, there is little more to be said ; but it is certainly very strongly flavoured. We part with the hero when he is about ten years of......
Merry Tales For Little Folk. Edited By Madtime De Chatelain.
(Lockwood and Co.)—Why, here are all our old friends, beginning with "The House that Jack Built," and going on to some of the beet of Hans Andersen's and Madame d'Aulnoy's......
A Light On The Historians And On The History Of
Crowland Abbey. By Henry Seale English. (J. R. Smith.)—It is difficult to road with patience or judge with equanimity a book which irritates one with perpetually recurring......
We Have Received A New Edition Of Sir David Brewster's
Letters on Natural Magic (Tegg) ; to this edition Mr. J. A. Smith has prefixed some chapters on "The Being and Faculties of Man," and added a supplement describing some......
Italy And Her Capital. By E. S. G. S. (freeman.)—e.
S. G. S. travelled in Garibaldian costume (does she mean the " rod shirt 1) and consequently, as she tells us, her journey through the north of Italy " was a sort of triumphal......
Sunbeam Stories. By Tho Author Of A Trap To Catch
a Sunbeam. (Lockwood and Co.)—The first of the stories in this book is very pretty, and may be commended alike to young and old. Of the second we cannot speak highly, and would......