Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Bonds left
off at the annexed quotations :—
Dec.4. Dec. 11.
Dec. 4. Dec. 11.
Brazilian, 1865 78 78 Bosnian (Angto-Dutch) 9O 90 Egyptian, 1864 831 831 Spanish, 18417 331 821 Italian, 1861 57 bq Turkish, 1838 63zd. 63 x.d.
Mexican 151 151 , 1862 631 631 Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railway Shares left off at the annexed quota Lions Great Eastern Dec. 4.
42/ Dec. 11.
401 Lon., ChAtham,tt Dover Dec. 4. Dec. II.
17 Great Northern 107 106 Metropolitan 1031 1031 Great Western 481 481 Midltuad 1121 112 Lancashire & Yorkshire 1281 128 Nrth-Eastern, Berwick 100
London S Brighton ... 471 481 Do. York 88
Lou. & North-Western 1121 1121 South-Eaateru 791 79 Lon. & South-Western 881 Si