can well understand Mr. Godfrey Hodgson's rgy_ La:Lance to defend
the British Cyprus -policy at .111 American university, having myself recently returned ')111 a visit to China, where I found myself the taiwt
ling champion of our imperialist policy there.
had I not realised the extent 'or the bitter resentment fLit against us for our numerous and unpardonable exPloits in China in the last century; though it is difficult to know whether this resentment has been inStilled into the people by propaganda (as is the c'ise with our intervention in Suez and Jordan) or ;vhetlier it is the result of traditional and innate natkd of imperialism. In any case, it is only in our `ehil ;Is that the over-glamorisation of our 'disin- lcres ed motives' carries any weight at all; and hence sve tend to underestimate grossly the fanatical anti- -: Colonial feeling which has been incurred in the :10Uniries which have been victims of our aggression.
Also, it is not only a moral question : it is world opinion, to use a hackneyed expression, which we cannot afford to ignore through our pride. We may seem right in our own eyes, but this is not primarily what has to be taken into account.—Yours faith- fully,
Peterhouse, Cambridge