Mr. Hugh Cumin', Editorial Director Of The...
busily engaged in swallowing the camel of Amalgamated Press —recently paid a brief visit to Russia. Like all such visitors, he has hastened into print with atl account of his......
Will The Fact That 'dead Sea Scrolls' Are On Sale
in the shops mean (I was musing last week) that we will soon be finding replicas of Noah's tiller, David's sling and Moses' cradle on sale as Christmas presents? One, at least,......
Commenting On The Grigg Report A Month Ago. I Remarked
that it had not dealt with one of the authorities' chief worries: how to keep trained men in the forces without resorting to compul- sion. Michael Leapman's article in this......
'the Dirt In Question Is Human,' Michael Foot Writes In
our correspondence cplumns, complain- ing of my recent comments on prostitution in London : 'the carpet may be a prison cell.' I thought I had made it clear that the dirt I was......
T He Report Of The Inquiry Into Mr. George Strauss's...
against the London Electricity Board make ironical reading. It was only, after all, by a margin of five free votes that the House of Commons decided that Mr. Strauss's charges......