Perry and the press
Sir: Apart from the difficulty of distinguishing between some of Peregrine Worsthorne's dreams and a lot of other people's nightmares, he is jolly disloyal to the Sunday Telegraph when he says 'a news- paper would be false to its function if it were other than a catalogue of calamity'.
The Sunday Telegraph is hardly that. For example the last issue, not counting the sports pages, car- ried 156 items. Of these only thirty-eight were in any way cal- amitous. Fifty-six were neutral and the remaining sixty-two were dis- tinctly on the cosy side.
What can be Peregrine Wors- thorne's real reasons for wanting his articles to be decorated by the 'crucial corrective' of Allbran and Ovaltine ads?
Bennie Gray 3 Barrett Street, wl