A New Morality
Sir: I am deeply grateful for your article 'War Guilt and Lt Calley' (28 November). In my view your argument is unanswerable. The dis- turbing reminder of the basis of the......
Siena Replies
Sir: The SPECTATOR (31 October) published an article by Timothy Beaumont entitled the 'Barbarians of Siena'. The title appears promi- nently on the cover of your jour- nal, and......
Biased Penguins
Sir: As the general editor of the Penguin Education Specials series, I would not normally reply to the views of critics of individual books we publish, but as Mr Angus Maude, in......
Britain, Vietnam
Sir: I have delayed commenting on Tom Driberg's obviously auth- oritative review of George Rosie's book The British in Vietnam (14 November) until I could read the book. -......
Waugh Bash
Sir: No doubt, after being invited to 'bash' Mr Auberon Waugh for his male chauvinist remarks about 'women's novels', Brigid Brophy will very properly ignore him. However he......
Single Tax Rate
Sir: The article 'Poverty—a new approach?' by Professor Vaizey (28 November) prompts me to submit to you the concept of my own ideal tax and benefit system. This consists of two......