The Peninsula again sends forth murmurs of civil commotion :
in Spain, a new insurrection against the Government is brewing; in Portugal, the Government is half suspected of favouring a revo- lution which has broken out. The Chartists are in open posses- sion of Oporto : in Lisbon the party are literally at daggers-drawn with the Septembrists : the Court frowns on the revolutionists ; but in reply to offers of loyal assistance from the military, counsels delay, patience, and strictly legal procedure. Rumours are as con- flicting as the purpose of all parties seems uncertain. Such was the state of things at the despatch of the mail.
The last insurrection in Spain was foreshadowed by reports in Paris that it was intended, and the correspondent of the Times openly named the chief conspirators. Similar reports obtain now in Paris ; and one object of the conspiracy is said to be the assassi- nation of ESPARTERO. While these rumours fly about, Queen CHRISTINA appears, magnificently dressed in the diamonds which he" conveyed " from Spain, at a splendid ball given by the Duke of ORLEANS ; and she is the constant object of attention to LOUIS PHILIPPE'S family. Perhaps, as the assassination of a Regent is not politically so great a crime as the abduction of a crowned Queen, CHRISTINA runs little risk of expulsion from the Tuileries by this new attempt.