12 FEBRUARY 1842, page 21
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. At Berlin, her Royal Highness the Princess Ammar, of a daughter. Al Woodlawn, Glaway. Lady ASHTON, of a son; who SIITIlIed but a few hours. At Meanie, Cupar Fife, tile......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Feb. 8. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Wheateroft and Co. Bull Bridge, Derbyshire. quarriers-A. and D. Wheateroft, Backhand Hollow. Derbyshire, wharfingers-Browir and Wilson.......
Military Gazette. • War Office. Feb. 8.-rayal Regt. Of Horse
Guards-Comet J. P. P. W. Bastard td. be Lieut. by purchase, vice Maynard. who retires; Lord A. F. C. G. Lennox tube Coenet, perchase, vice Bastard., 8th Light Drags.--Lieut. G.......