MILITARY GAZETTE. • WAR OFFICE. Feb. 8.-Rayal Regt. of Horse
Guards-Comet J. P. P. W. Bastard td.
be Lieut. by purchase, vice Maynard. who retires; Lord A. F. C. G. Lennox tube Coenet, perchase, vice Bastard., 8th Light Drags.--Lieut. G. J. Hatband M be Capt. by purchnse, vice Measou, who retires ; Cornet A. C. Lindsay to be Lieut, by purchase. vice Huband; A. Haffeuden, C,eut . to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Lindsay. Mb Light Drags.- Stag. J. Harcourt, from the 44th Foot. to be Surg. vice White, promoted on the Staff; Assist.-Surg. S. Currie, 51413. from the 3d Foot, to be Assist.- Surg. vice Ras. promoted in the 44th Fait. hat Foot-Lient. A. Gordon to be Adjt. vice WCourt, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 3d Font-J. A' Rostock, M.D. lobe Assist-Stag. vice Currie, appointed to the 16th Light Drags. 27th Foot-Ensign J.
T. Count to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Skeffiugton, who retires; Hon. F. B. Fakers. ham to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Coxe. 934 Foot-G. L. Proby, Gent, lobe
Emden. by purchase, vice Wondford, whose appointment has been cancelled. 94th Foot-Assist.-Surg. M. J. M. Ross, from the 16th Light Drags, to be Surg. vice Har- court, appointed to the 16th -Light Drags. 59th Foot-Major G. Hull. from half-pay unattached. us be Major. vice W. Beetham, who exchanges; Capt. R. T. R.,Phttonn to be Miami-, by purchase, vice Hall. who retires; Lieut. G. F. Long lobe Capt. by pur- chase, vice Pattourr; Ensign G. Ponlett lobe Lieut. by purchase, vice Long; E. Col- lingwood, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Poulett. 65th Foot-IL F. Turner, Gent. Ensign, without purchase, vice Maedonnell, whose appointment has been cancelled. iffith Foot-Paymaster C. Roberts, from the 59th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Hay, dec.
Staff-Lieut. J. O'Neill. from half-pay unattached, to be Staff.Adjutant at Edits' burgh, vice W. O'Neill, promoted.
Hospital Staff-To be Staff Surgeons of the Second Class-Assist.-Surg. J. Shiels, M.D. from the 36th Foot ; Assist.-Surg. D. J. Magrath, M.D. from the 334 Foot; Assist:Sow. M. Nugent. from the Staff; Assist.-Surg. T. Fox, M.D. from the 7th Dragoon Guards. .
Brevet-Major G. Hall. of the 54th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army. .
ADMIRALTY, Feb. 7.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. awl Adjt. I.E.. Willson to be Capt., vice H. Bennett, dec. ; First Lieut. J. G. A. Ajles to be Adjt. vice Willson,
Promoted; -Sec. Lieut. L. W. R. Deuman to be First Lieut. v. AvIes, appointed Adj.
WAR-OFFICE, Feb. 11.-Jet Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. Rod. Travers, from the :1501 Foot. to be Lieut. vice Maunsell, appointed to the 84th Foot. 4th Regt. of Light
Drags.- Lieut. G. C. Dalbiac to bo Paymaster, vice Heyman, dec. 15th Begt. Light Drags. Corset H. Brett to be Lieut. .by purchase, vice Steuart. whose promotion has been cancelled. 1st Rest. of Foot-Ensign O. Broadley to be Quartermaster, Tice Imlach. promoted in the St. Helena Regt. 6th Foot-Capt. C. A. Brooke, from the
95th Foot, to be Capt. vice Allen. who exchanges. 39th Foot-,-Lieuk J. B. Maunsell. from the lot Drag. Guards, to be Lieut. vice Glubb, appointed to the 34th Foot. 35th Foot -Limit, F. P. GIOIA, from the 34th Foot, to be Lieut. tile° Travers, appoiuted to the tat Drag. Guards, 46th Foot-Ensign J. H. Noah to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Brome, who retires; Ensign G, Sharpe, frormthe 57th Toot, to be Eaten, vice Nooth. 98th Foot-Paymaster J. M. Pennington. from halt/ray 5th Itootlo be Paymaster, vice Hartley, appointed to the 8th Font. 57th Foot-Capt. J. Biotin to be Major. without pauchnie, rice Atibin, who tellies epou full-pay rLiKti. 0. Edwards to be Capt. vice Armen ; Lieut. W.11. Ridge, from the Ist'West India egt. lo be Lieut. vice Edwards; .Ensign R. Mint. to be Lieut. vice Jones, dec.; SOTO: ajor G. Sharpe. from the 46th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Hunt; R. A. Creker. Gent, to bre Ensign, by purchase, vice Sharpe, appointed to the 46th Foot.. 95th Foot-Capt. C. D. Alleu, from the 6th Fool, tole Capt. vice Brooke. who exchanges.
let West India Regt.- Cuipt. A. Judge, from half-pay 11th Foot, to Ise Capt. vice II. Downie, who exchanges; Lieut. P. P. Trotmau to be Capt. by. purchase. vice Judge, silo retires; Ensign H. St. John Clements to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Ridgel appointed to the 57th Font; Ensign W. Steevens to be Lieut. by purchase, lace 'Fret- man; G. Burrell. Gent, to be Ensign, vice Clements.
Cape Mounted Riflemen - Colour -Sergt. W. Harvey lobe Ensign, without purchase, vice Van Ryneveld;uho resigns.
Iluattached--Lt. F. Ostheyden, from Ceylon Rifle Regt. tube Capt. without mach. Brevet-Capt. A. Judge, of the 1st West India Regt. to be Mawr iu thou Army ; Capt. A. J. Hadfield. of the 37th Regt. Madras _Native Infantry, to be Major iu the Aemy in the East Indies only.