Tuesday, Feb. 8.
Wheateroft and Co. Bull Bridge, Derbyshire. quarriers-A. and D. Wheateroft, Backhand Hollow. Derbyshire, wharfingers-Browir and Wilson. Monkwearmoutla Shore, shipthrokers-Holsgrove and Thompson. Bishopwearmouth, cliaiu.manufac- turers-J. and H. Lainson, Deptford. linendsapers-Laiuson and Co. Rotherhithe, litrendrapers-J. end W. K. Shaw, Dale, Yorkshire, manufacturers-M'Crecken and Brouuthent, Leicester, stone-masons - Nuttall and Iluldeu, Weer. Derbyshire, manu- facturers of patent strops for trousers-Wills and Stall, South Street. Manchester Square. butchers-R. and G. Whiteley, Halifax, hat-manufacturers-Jacksou and Co. Leeds, tobacco-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Jackson-Phillips and Harries. Shrewsbury, drapers-Holden and llobday. Charley, muslieemanufacturers-C. E. Frames, and J. M. Frames, Gosport, grocers-Waghorn and Brown. Ewell. brick- makers -A. and A. Kerslake. Leamington Priem milliners-Walters and Moseley, Nadi, cabinet-makers-Turner and Co. Oakham, mercers-Morgan and Seism:, Oxford Street, lacemen-M' Leine and Louch, Totteuham Court Road. frame-makers - Davies and Cotgreave. Chester, law.stationers-Dixon and Co. Sheffield, merehauts; as far as regards J. Dixou. INSOLVENT. JEERS, UENRY MORLAND, 1.110y, Gloucestershire. clothier, Feb. 7. BANKRUPTS.
APPLEYARD, Tuomas, Northowram. Yorkshire, stone-merchant, to surrender Feb. 25; March 22: solicitors, Jacques and Co. Ely Place; aud Stocks and Macaulay. Halifax. BLACKMORE, RICHARD, Raid CRAVEN, JOHN, Wakefield, miners. FOII• 15. March 92: solicitors, Mr. Prestou. Tukenhouse Yard; and Mr. Witham. Wakefield. Bowels. WILLIAM. Wilmslow. Cheshire, euttou-spiuner. Feb.21. March4: solicitors. Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Slater aud Heelis. Mauchester. Bowen, JOHN, Chipstead. Keut. grocer, Feb. 19, March 22: solicitor, Mr. Cattlin, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. CANvoa, CHARLES Aeousres. Moutagu Street, merchant, Teta 15, March 29: soli- citors, Brundrett and Co. Temple; official assignee, Mr. Turquaud, Colette' Buildings. GIBBS, JOHN, Great Yarmouth, tavenikeeper. Feb. 11. March 22: solicitors. Messrs. White and. Buffett. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Worship and Son, Yarmouth. GIFFORD, GEORGIANA, Parson's Green, schoolmistresa, Feb. 22. March 29; solicitor,
Mr. Tyrrellt Guildhall; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Busiugliall Street. . GREENWELL. JOSEPH and STSPHEN, Sherburn, Durham, millers, March 10.22: oll citors, Mr. Rogerson,' Norfolk Street, Strand; Messrs. Marshal's. Durham ; and Mr.• Marshall, Claypath, Durham. ;
IlActacee, Eowsab, Leeds, cloth-menufacturer, Feb. 18, March 22: solicitors. Messrs. Savery and Go. Bristol; and Messrs. Hanby and Towgood, St.Swithin's Lane. Hiotesis, Jona, and 'RANNOCH. JAMES. Dukedfield, engineers. Feb. 24, Metal' 22: soli- citors, Mr. Spinks, Joint Stieet, Bedford Row', awl Mr. Garside, Ashton-under-Lyne. LITTLEDYKE, RICHARD, New North Road, Iiiteudraper. Feb. 17. March'22: solicitors, Messrs. Sole, Aldermanbury; official assignee) Mr. Whitmore. Basinghall Street. Miura, JOSEPH and Co. Stockton-on-Tees, patent•sail cloth.mauufacturers. March 4. 22: solicitors, Messrs. Bortrum and Son, Ilishopagate Street Within; official as- signee, Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry. Paarneeoe, JOHN juuior, Bristol. iron merchant, Feb. 18, March 22: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke aud Medal'', Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Smith, Bristol. ROBINS, WILLIAM, Stone, ironmonger, Feb. 18, March 22; solicitors, Mr. Smith. Chancery Lane; aud Mr. Dickeuson, Stone.
Summits:GER.-Moines and Smarm, Basinghall Street, merchants. Feb. 15. March 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Freshfield, New Bank Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Tuorsosr, GEORGE, and FORBES, .TAmes, Crutchedfriars, corn-factors, Feb. 19, March : solicitor. Mr. Taylor, Nicholas Lane; official assignee. Mr. Groom. Abehurch Lane. VAILE, Wn.cum, Oxford Street, lacernan. Neb. 15, March 22; solicitors. Beaumont and Thompson, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assiguee, Mr. Belcher. King'sArms Yd. WATERS, RICHARD, NeW13011,11011M011thShILO, now plate to mu rectum. Feb.24. March 22: solicitors, Messrs. White and Ere. Bedford Row; and Mr. Llewellyn. Newport. Werner, Lees. Whitecluipel. builder, Feb. -17. March las solicitors, Messrs. Dick- son aud Overbury, Old Jeery; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, }Urchin Lane. WILLOUGHBY, JOHN RIVIS, York, builder, Feb. 15, March 22 solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Leeman. York.
Wore:wax, JOHN, Stratford, builder, Feb. 15. Marclt 29: solicitor, Mr. Flews, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. ettlettent.
March 3, Smith and Marshall, Austinfriars, Russia brokers-March 3, Bridgman and Dryland, Upper Chapman Street, St. George's East, tallow-meltera-March 3. Ingram. Beech Street, timber-merchant-Mardi 3, Jones, Bayswater Terrace. Middlesex. coal- therchant-March 2. Smith, Deptford Bridge. hatter-March 2, Brooks, Robert Street, Hampstead Road, stationer-March 1. J. and I'. Grant. Coleman Street. merchants - March 1, Andrews. Sturminster Marshall. Dorselshire, woolstapler- March 14, Hos- kins, Liverpool, victualler- March 3, Holt, Grantham, wine-merchant -March a. Jackson. Liverpool. woul.merchaut-March 9. II. Mackay, Liverpool, and A. F. Mac. kay, Glasgow, merchattts-March 11. Hodgson and Wright, Glossop, Derbjthire,
cottou•spinners. CERTLFICATES • To be granted, unless caste he shown to the contrary. on or before March 1. Eskrigge, Warrington, Lancashire, cottou. manufacturer -Itiddulph, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, banker-Ford. Bristol, cooper -M•Swiney, Tunbridge Wells, builder -Maddox, Watling Street, warehouseman-Jones. Friday Street, lineo-warchouseman -Reed, Marquis Court, Drury Lane, tictualler-II. and It. Hildjard, Brigg, Lincoln' wine-tnerchauts-Gaudy, Princes Street, Spitalfields, silk.manufacturers-A. M. Soulby-West, le, Wood Street, warehouseman- Senior, Liverpool, iron.merthant. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
CAMPBELL, DANIEL. Glasgow, spirit-dealer, Feb. 11, March 11. 'AWLS, ROBERT. Linlithgow, -glue-manufacturer, Feb. 14, March 7. Dom. Joon. Leith, merchant, Feb. 16. March 9„ , Wadn.ww, JAMES, Greenock, shipbuilder. Feb. 14, March 7. MURDOCH, James. Carbieston Byers, grain-menhant, Feb.' 11, March 4. Snrmarn, DEIGALD. Ginegow. innkeeper, Feb. 11, March 4. THOMPSON. WILLIAM, Edinburgh. baker, Feb. 11, Much 4.
. Wytaas, WILLIAM, North Leckaway, Forfarshire, Feb. 19, March 14. TIME% JOHN, Edinburgh, bout maker, Feb. 15, March 8.
Friday, Feb. 11.
Owston and Garfit, Glarnford Briggs, Lincolnaliire. attomies -Staff rd and Ashton, Leek, Staffordshire, plumbers-J. and J. Billingbam, St. John Street, curriers - G. aINI T. Deau, Portwood, Cheshire, millwrights -Payne Snit Saltudent, GilbertStrtlet, Grosvenor Square, tailors- Fraser and Isleheby. Liverpool, bootrnakers- Milroy and Co. Plymouth, tea dealers - Emmerson and Co. Sauduich, Kent: bankers- C. and 0. Roberts, St. Paul's Churchyard. fancy warehousemen - Make and Leete, Foster Lane. Cheapside, uttornies-Killick aid Lauoway:Reigate, Surrey, whitesmiths-Walmsley and Brydon, Manchester. engravers to cation priiiters-Swales and Calvert, Whitby, Yorkshire, tailors-Sheppard and CO. High Holborn, milliners; as far as regards Since -Wyburu awl:Go. Long Acre, coachthuilders; as flit as regards Allnutt-Sharp and Richardson. Northampt,u, gas fitters-Worley and lhoome, New- gate Street, meat salesmen-C. and G. Stewart. Bacup, Lancashire, linendrapers - Wilson and Wright, Nun. ich, iroofounders -Threlfall aud Cu. Morton, ' Yorkshire, cotton spiuuers-Whiteman and Busbridge, Riverhead, Kent, bootmakers-A. and J. Lusford, Petworth, Sussex, tailors-J. and J. Mitchell, Dewsbury, cloneulanufac- turers-Camerou and Foley, Worcester, anemia-Webb aud CO. Llaitiftly. 'Cermet-
thenshire, merchants am! Muck, Leominster, Herefordshire, mercers.
SHINGLYR, Smarm.. Liverpeol, Ihiendraper. Weseea,(Geouaz, Hackney Road, jeweller. BANKRUPTS.
HABER, HENRY ADOLPHUS. Lindfield, Sussex, mangler, to surrender Feb. 18. March 25; solicitors, Millard and Adams, Cordwainers' Hall; and Terra'. aud Lewis. Lewes. Bain, Timone. Sandwich. hoj man, Feb. 22, March 25: solicitor*, Messrs. DYlw. Lincoln's Inn Fields:. and Messrs. Surrage and Emmersou, Sandwich. _ Hearse, Hums, Clapham Road, ceahmerchant, Feb. 23, March 25: solicitors,
Messrs. Stevens and Co. Queen Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Lackington. Coleman Street Buildings. Ceswazu, CHARLES, Woburn Place, lodging-house-keeper, Feb. 22, March 25 : soli- citors, Cook and Sanders. New Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Court.
WELDING. JOHN and THOMAS, Blackburn, joiners, March 4, 25: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Troughton, Liverpool.
Glees, Joule Mrrimerr, Howland Street, wine-merchant. Feb. 18, March 25: sen- ator, Mr. Billing, King Street, Cheapoide ; official assignee, Graham, Basinghall St. Hamer, Grows, Ryde. draper, Feb. 19, March 25: solicitors, Messrs. Sole, Alder- manbury ; and Messrs. Hearn aud Son, Newport. Hinz, Snows EDWARD, Broadwater, Sussex, builder, Feb. 18. March 25: solicitors, Messrs. Rolfe and Edmunds. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Edmunds, Worthing. MaNicrwo, CoRNELtui Cstemis, and EDMUND, High Street, Aldgate. drapers, Feb.22, March 25 : solicitor, Mr. Monckton, Bartlett', Buildings; officialassignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.
WARNS, &mown, Lisle Street, Soho, carpenter. Feb. 22, March 25: solicitors, Allen 8c Co. Carlisle Street, Soho Square; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
KIRSPATRICK, Jamas, Newport, Isle of Wight, banker, Feb. 22, March 25 : solicitors. Fosters and Evans, John Street, Bedford Row ; and Messrs. foam and Son, Newport.
March 4, Hardingham, Chelsea, bricklayer-March 4, Sikes and-Co. London, bank- ers-March 5, Thompson, Islington, timber merchant-March 5, Bright, Picket Street, Strand, draper-March 5, Clark. Angel Court, Thrognmeou Street. broker-March 7, Ild•Cleave, Leaden Road, linendraper-March 7, Coltherup. Rochester, dyer-March 7, Knight, Southampton, cabinet-maker-March 4, Sheldon, Kettleshulme, Cheshire, cotton-spinner-March 18, Sloane, York, linendmper- March 8, Heron and Co. Man- chester. cotton-spinners. CERTIFICATES
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before March 4.
Field, Sheffield, sharebroker-Fisher, Birmingham, coal-dealer-T. and E. Taylor, Rawmarsh, Yorkshire, earthenware-manufacturers-Walker, Newcaztle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker-Railten, and Pavey Manchester. mousseline de laine manufacturers- Pouutuay. Birmingham, innkeeper-Cope. Stafford. sack-dealer-Bridgman and Dry- land, Upper Chapman Street, St. George's East. tallow-melters-Hillary, Ewanrigg Hall. ironfounder-Boning. Bridge Street. Westminster, milliner-Jones, Bayswater Terrace, coal-merchant. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. Bes.cruomx, WILLIAM, North Leith, shipmaster, Feb. 14, March 7. Bats., Janis, Niuewar, Feb. 16, March 9.
• LIZARS, JOHN, Edinburgh, Feb. 16, March 9. M•Dortazo, Urns, and PeincEn, Romer. Glasgow, millers, Feb 14, March 7.