be Vrobinces, Liverpool e'ection took place, at the Town-ball, on
Tuesday. Sir Howard Douglas was proposed by Sir T. Brancker and seconded by Mr. N. Robinson. No other candidate appeared, and he was declared ditty elected. Sir Howard returned thanks, and the whole proceedings Were over in ten minutes.
.-Sir T. E. Colebrook, the Liberal candidate, was elected Member for Taunton on Thursday, by a majority of 57 over the Tory candi- date, Mr. Bali; the numbers being—for Colebrook 394, for Hall 337. The election for Leominster took place at the Court-house, on Tues- day. The Conservative candidate was Mr. George Arkwright. It was supposed that there was to be no opposition ; but Mr. Nicholson of Penchnrch Street, who unsuccessfully contested Wolverhampton in 1837, was suddenly brought forward by the Liberals; and the show of hands Was in his favour. After making an address from the hustings, however, he withdrew. The Mayor then declared Mr. Arkwright to be duly elected.