Last week at the sale of ancient Roman medals and
coins at the Hotel Droust in Paris, the following prices were realised—A Julius Collar, head uncovered, in gold, 16/. 16s. ; Augustus, crowned with laurel by the koddesa of victory, a bronze medal, 101. 108.; Agrippa, in silver, 8/. fte. ; ()thy, head uncovered, in gold, 81. 88. • seven coins of Vitellius, 231. 12a. ; Domi- tia, and, on the reverse, .a peacock, in gold, 81. 88. ; Domitiue, and, on the in
reverse, Jupiter sitting, bronze, very large, 8/. 98. ; Trajanus, head laurel- crowned, the Emperor sitting before a woman and two children, in bronze,
121. - Antinous, head uncovered, and, on the reverse a bull marching to the right, in bronze, 121. 12..; four medallions of Constantine the Great, one in s' ver and three in bronze, 381.; Placidia, a bust, in gold, 91. 15a., Ito.