"what Will He Do With It ? "
WE have all along suspected that the resumption of cash payments by Aus- tria would turn out to be a sort of gloomy joke, and the Vienna correspond- dent of the Times more than......
The Genius Loci.
Locan life is the marrow of English opinion and yet one cannot help smiling at any principle or policy connected with the name of some merely local place. Mr. Bright's speech at......
Mr. Cobden's Little Mistake.
Mn. COBDEN in writing a letter to the Ballot Society says, that in watching the progress of Mr. Bright's measure on Parliamentary Reform, "I am struck with the similarity of the......
The Occasional.
By LEIGH HUNT. No. V. TEE Faioca Emrssoa's 3fovorsata.— What is the Secret of it? — Corn parisons of him and his Uncle—Diplomatic Inquiries into the Moustache : and Conclusions......
The Lord Chancellor's Bankruptcy And Insolvency Bill.
Is order to see clearly the effect of the alterations in the law of Debtor and Creditor, proposed by Lord-Chancellor Chelmsford, it will be neces- sary shortly to explain the......