Mr. Osborne Morgan, instead of pressing his Burials Bill, for
which he seems to have gained in the ballot a very distant day, is to move, on Friday, the 3rd March, the following resolution:— "That the parish Churchyards of England and Wales having been, by the common law of England, appropriated to the use of the entire body of the parishioners, it is just and right, while making proper provision for order and decency, to permit the performance in such Churchyards of other Burial services than those of the Church of England, and by other persons than the ministers of that Church." This, though an abstract resolution, will probably raise a discussion better calculated than a debate on the reintroduction of the old Bill to force the true position of the question on the somewhat impervious clerical mind, and to elicit an-opinion in the, face of which even the clergy will be disposed to come to terms. An abstract resolution sometimes prepares men's minds for a Bill, where the Bill itself would only -confirm and indurate a very concrete resolution.