12 FEBRUARY 1876, page 21

Current Literature.

The Portfolio. February. (Seeley and Co.)—Although, perhaps, hardly reaching the high mark of the January number, the new number of the Portfolio is quite up to the average, and......

The Young Pretender.*

THE career of Prince Charles, the Young Pretender, has been, ever since the remarkable events in which he played the principal part, a subject of considerable interest to many......

Gravenhurst. (second Edition.) Knowing And Feeling. By...

a Memoir of the Author. (Blackwood.)—The author of " Gravenhurat, or Thoughts on Good and Evil," and of "Thorndale, or the Conflict of Modern Thought," is by this time known to......

Edith Vavasour. By Mrs. Graham Branscombe. S Vols. (hurst...

Blackett.)—This is one of the novels which it is not easy to account for. It is a tedious story of love-making, happy or unhappy, not plea- sant, certainly, to read, not......

_the Works Of Antonio Canova. Engraved In Outline By Henry

Moses. With a Biographical Memoir by Count Cicognara. (Chatto and Windus.)—Canova forms one of the historical landmarks in the history of sculpture. The art had fallen away even......

British Manufacturing Industries. (edward Stanford.) —...

Williams, F.C.S.; Copper Smelting, by T. Arthur Phillips, F.C.S.; Brass - Founding, Tin - Plate, and Zinc - Working, by Walter Graham. The rending public are often unable to......