Sir: I read the Reverend Mullen's lament for the Church
of England with every sym- pathy. If, as he says, it has become in- distinguishable from Rome, it is because we Roman Catholics have suffered exactly the same ghastly Metamorphosis.
Latin texts have been translated into an English that is as puerile as it is inaccurate. We too have to endure 'hymns' of unbeliev- able banality, the strumming of guitars, and the dreadful embarrassing charade of em- bracing and clasping hands with complete strangers, all in the name of so called peace.
The Christian churches have an incom- parable literary and musical heritage. The Philistines seem determined to deprive us of it and replace it with some drivel of their own, and so far we have done nothing to stop them.
John Young
37 Dewhurst Road, London WI4