12 FEBRUARY 1983, page 31

Crossword 594

A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 28 February. Entries to: Crossword 594, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL. 4 5 6......

Solution To 591: Eve Minus Apple

'PA 0 9 14 N 13 1 N 'G P R 'A `'E 1 . 11 7 S A'''ITEI ' h00''SEBERRY riItis IuralulyE E 91 E k i. L l AULLArRRETIABIAlt A Y NI.D U TOUR E t I. L I ATEP 2 bEII - LIGIP O F NT ENS......


Superkids David Spanier T hree British players have risen to the level of very strong grandmasters in- vited to 'super-tournaments' and they make an interesting contrast in......