ebe Court.
THE Queen returned to town, from Brighton, on Tuesday. Her Mn. jesty,-escorted by a party of Hussars, arrived at Buckingham Palace soon after three o'clock. In the evening, Viscount Melbourne and his private Secretary dined with the Queen.
On Wednesday morning, Viscount Melbourne visited her Majesty ; and the principal guests at the Royal dinner ou that day were Viscount Melbourne and the Marquis of Headfort. Viscount Melbourne was at the Palace again on Thursday, but did not dine with the Queen. His private Secretary and nephew, the Ho. nourable William Cowper, had that honour. Her Majesty went to see the pantomime at Drury Lane Theatre in the evening. Yesterday morning. Viscount Melbourne and Lord John Russell had audiences ; and in the evening Viscount .tlielbourne dined with the Queen.
'Ile good people of Brighton are much disappointed by the brief sojourn of the Court with them ; also with what the Mmuing Poses cor- respondent calls " the niggardly economy observed throughout the establishment." From the same source we learn, that every stranger who entered the Palace " was nanowly watched by Ledbitter, the Bow Street officer." No doubt Lord Melbourne took this precaution to k; guard her Majesty from disagreeable interruption. The system of espionage seems to be tolerably perfect, without as well as within the precincts of the Royal residence.