A Correspondent Of The Times Refers To - Voluntary...
Wiltshire for the support of the poor out of the workhouse, as proof of the failure of the new system : and, to a certain extent the facts mentioned bear out the assertion. The......
The Bury Post Contains A Correspondence Regarding A...
a sermon delivered by Mr. Stephens on the Sunday after his arrest, in his chapel at Ashton. The editor of the Bury Post, addressing the Poor- law Commissioners, says- " As I......
A Correspondent Calls Our Attention To A Letter From "a
Farmer" in the Staffordshire Examiner on the Corn-laws, and requests a reply to 'its arguments. But argument it has none ; and its misrepresentation of facts, and blunders in......
Lord Normanby returned to Dublin on Saturday. A letter from Mr. Peter Purcell, regarding the disposition of the Precursor Society's funds, appears in the Dublin newspapers. Much......
At The Shropshire Quarter-sessions, The Honourable Thomas...
Chairman, said that he had received a communication stating that the Government had determined to introduce a general measure for a rural police into Parliament; under which......