At the Shropshire Quarter-sessions, the Honourable Thomas Ken. yon, the
Chairman, said that he had received a communication stating that the Government had determined to introduce a general measure for a rural police into Parliament; under which circumstances, the Magis- trates would not go into the means of improving the present inefficient system. The Honourable R. H. Clive said, that at an interview he had with Lord John Russell, his Lordship proposed that the Magistrates in Quarter-sessions throughout England should send a memorial to the Secretary of State, asking for an alteration of the present system, and the adoption of an uniform measure of rural police, and the Minis- ters would devote their attention to the required object. A committee of Magistrates was appointed, who drew up a memorial complaining of the present state of the police force of the rural districts, and pro- posing that an act should pass giving the Magistrates the power of appointing an efficient police for eackeounty.—Salopian Journal.
In the case of Goodchild v. Pile and others, in which several persens were indicted for assaulting the former person in the discharge of his duty, the Jury returned a verdict of "Pile guilty of his own rescue I "- Berkshire Chronicle,
The Honoutable A. B. Baring arrived on Saturday at the Marine Parade, Brighton ; and the same night his house was broken open and a variety of articles stolen therefrom. A gang of eleven burglars has been apprehended, and a quantity of the stolen property found upon them. They have been examined and remanded.
Mr. Hugh Thomas, of Machynlleth, a solicitor, and clerk to the Board of Guardians at that place, wenton the 31st ulthnotothe residence of a Captain Thurston, a Magistrate, and Chairman of the Board, who lives at Pennel, on business. On the road he drank to excess ; and on arriving at the house, rode through a narrow passage into the kitchen, and asked for Captain Thurston. The coachman replied, he was in the dining-room, and that must go to the front-door ; and took hold of the horse's head to push it out of the house as well as its rider. Thomas told him, if he did not immediately leave hold of the bridle he would shoot him. The coachman persisted, and eventually closed the door': instantly Thomas fired through the panel, and the ball lodged in the fleshy part of the coachman's arm ; he then discharged another pistol, without effect ; and riding to the dininom-room windows, used most vio- lent language to Captain Thurston. The Captain fired a gun loaded with shot twice at the horse's legs, which made it gallop away ; and Thomas was soon after secured by a constable, after he had been to two houses for the purpose of obtaining more powder. He had five balls
in his pockets. On Thursday, he was taken before a numerous bench of Magistrates, and committed to Dolgelly Gaol, to await his trial on
this serious charge. He has hitherto borne the character of a very peaceable man ; and his hatred towards Captain Thurston is supposed to have originated in his opposition to his election, and since correspond- ing with the Commissioners to obtain his dismissal. The coachman is in no danger, and the ball has been extracted.—Leeds Intelligencer.