12 JANUARY 1839, Page 6


A m gale of wind, of extraordinary violence, from i the north-west, be-

gan n the Metropolis on Sunday- night about eleven o'clock, and con- tinued till between five and six on Monday morning. During part of Momlay night also the wind was high, but not so violent as on the pre- vious night and morning. The effects of the gale were not very re- markable about town : sonic essels in the Thames broke front their moorings, with the loss of spars and bowsprits ; trees were torn up, and chimney-pots blown down ; but no personal injuries of consequence were sustained.

But in the country and on the coast, tile loss of life and property has been dreadful. We extract some particulars front the country news- papers, and the correspondence of London journals.

Livstumoors--"During the afternoon of Sunday, the wind blew freshly from the southwant and south-eastward. Of this circumstance several out- usrd-bound vessels avaiktd themselves; among whielt were the Pennsylvania and time St. Andrew, the New York packet-ships of the 2Sth December and the 1st instant. At eleven o'clock, the wind in a terrifie squall shifted to the northward and westward; from which quarter it continued to blow with the fury of fl typhoon during the whole night. The moral mg dawned slowly and sullenly, as though it were afraid to disclose the extent or the disasters which had signalized the gloomy eight that had preceded it. The streets were strewed with the fragments of stones, slates, and brhhis, which had been hurled front the rook and dwellings. The houses with their shattered windows, dila- pidated walls, and brokett roofs, presented the appearance of it place which had recently been fiercely Sombarded. The fury of the gale blew down at one swoop, the wall of the IS itktln le Gaol. Out the hanks of the canal, a large cottoit-factory had recent lv been ereeteil ; one wing of is hieh was prostrated, and the cotton it cont:tii,a scattered like tlekes et snow in the meghbourity; diettict. The handsome stone front of the Wesleyan Chapel, erecting in Great Homer Street, the walls of which had but the preesdieg day been com- pleted, fell with a terrific crash at titer o'clock this morning. Had the dis- aster resulted from the ignition of a subterranean mine the messes of stone which have been displaced couldnot have been more dioroughly uprooted or widely scattered. The iron pallisades which guard and the trees which adorn the grave-yard. of St. James's Church, were uprooted and overturned. - It is with pain we add, that several persons perished in their beds from the falling of chmmies. Mrs. Lawrence, the mother of P. member of the Town-Council, was crushed beneath the weight of a stack of chimnies, which fell .plump down, peuetnsting even to the cams of the dwelling in which she resided. A Mr. Marsh, who resided in the vicinity, huts to deplore the loss of his children, who fell victims to a similar calamity ; and we are informed that upwards of' twelve unfortunate beings have lost their lives in their own houses during the past night." Many vessels were lost at sea; butt the fate of the Pennsylvania, St. Andrew, and Lockwoods: bound to America with valuable cargoes and passengers, ex.

cited the most interest. " The Victoria steam-tug, which had gone out during Monday afternoon to try to render assistance to any vessels that might be in distress, discovered within half-a-mile of each other, on the North Bunk, the Penusylvania, the St. Andrew, and the Lockwoods. The life-boat was afloat, and making every exertion to save as many people on board those ill-fated vessels as possible. She succeeded its taking off the St. Andrew the captain, the crew, and the passengers; all of whom were conveyed in safety on board t

the Victoria. She then proceeded to the Lockwoods, which, besides the crew, had eighty-live .passengers on board; and took off in all thirty-three persons,

leaving from eighty to a hundred souls on the wreck. Among the persons saved, was an luting only eighteen months old, whose father and mother were left on board. The Pennsylvania lay in the surf', time hull nearly covered. by the sea, 01)(1 could not be approached. The captain, the crew, and the vessels-

gel's were in the rigging, and the sea truss making a breach over the ship. Three of the crew and two passengers had previousls. left her, in one of her boats;

bet the boat was overwhelmed in the surf, and only one of the passengers, Mr. Thomson, of New York, reached bind." This gentletnan wore a life-preserver.

The Victoria went out again at eleven o'clock- on Tuesday night, with a re- inforcement of twelve boatmen, two boats, and a life-boat. " At daybreak, her boats uvere !covered, mid pulled in the first instance to the PeMisylvania. Previously to their arrival, the Huskisson schooner had passed the bank; and her crew were. horror-stricken with the heart-rentlito, shrieks uttered by the helpless individuals clinging to the rigging, and W110, Siring an entire night, had been exposed to the pelting of the most pitiless snow-storm which ever whitened our coast. At iminment risk, twenty-three persons were eventually suatehed from the shrouds, utterly exhausted witlt fittigne and paralyzed wide cold. Three corpses were left in the tops. The Vietoria proceeded to the Lockwoods, and brought from her, with one exception, all who remained alive, to the number of thirty-eight individuals. About thirty persons were ly111., 011 the imup of the Luckwoods all dead, and several more were drowned in de cabin. The captaill of this latter vessel promptly proceeded to Liverpool for assistance ; had sub.‘,.quently einharked tut board the Victoria, and was zealous and indefinigable in his exertions to save his crew and passengers. Upwanls of eighty, with pain we add, perished."

There is a long list of smaller vessels and boats which were wrecked during the gale. The property lost is reckoned at a million sterlin.. The cargo of the 'Pennsylvania and St. Andrew were worth from 400,0501. to 500,000/. About a !Mildred lives were lost at and near Liverpool. A subscription for the relief of the sufferers has been set on foot by the Underwriters, and 1,600/. was soon put down. There is a .general complaint that Liverpool is not well supplied with the menus of rescuing persons and property from wrecks. The Victoria, belonging to the Steam Tug Company, rendered by far the most. efficient aid; but "the port of Liverpool" seems to have done nothing. The North-west Light was driven from lier moorings ; and the loss of the large American vessels is partly attributed to the want of that beacon.

semunsTrst.—" On Sundny, this town was visited. with one of time most terrific storms that ever awed the hearts, sacrificed the lives, or devastated the property outs inhabitants. It commenced about two o'clock in the morning, blowing a perfect hurricane till between eight and nine, when it began to mo- derate; butt at iittervals during the day it broke out again with increased vio- knee, in furious gusts, portentous of extensive injury to life and property. Stacks of chimmes in almost every street were blown down, and falling in tunny instances through the roofs,_ destroyed the lives of the unfortunate In- itiates. In one instance a whole family, consisting of father, mother, and four children, were thus buried in the rums; and no less than ten coroner's war- rants were issued for Salford alone before twelve o'clock. The gas-works chitnnev was nearly blown down, having been several times observed tottering to its fail ; it is still in a most dangerous situation, leaning very much to one side. Hardly a house has escaped without the breaking of many panes of glass, and in many instaiwes windows have been blown in altogether. Several houses have been blowu completely down, others unroofed; whilst in some places the sheet-lead has literally been peeleml off the slates, and com- pactly rolled up, as if by the plumber's art. Towards evening, it began to rain and snow very heavily, and the fury of the storm considerably abated."

The accounts from CARLISLE, WurrsussveN, PnEsTox, Bracanunx, Osnnwm, Be ItV, ROCHDALE, and other places in the North, are to the same effect ; the destruction of property being greater or less, but everywhere con- siderable.

Woonsmor...—" The OM Barn, situate in the centre of the town, and occu- pied lately as a livery-stable by Mr. Watts, is entirely demolished. The whole building is levelled to the ground; and, strange to say, out of twenty-eight horses in the stumbles at the time of the Mil of the building, twenty-seven were taken out without having received any injury, and only one bruised a little. Mrs. Watts, in the adjoining house, very narrowly escaped with her this time house having fallen in with -the other building. The very handsome church, now building at Woodside, and nearly completed, has had its full share of the storm. Nearly the whole of the north side has been levelled to the ground."

THE MENAI BRIDGE.—" The intercourse by land with Anglesea is tempo- rarily.suspended, by the damage done to the woodcut roads constructed on tho Menai Bridge. The violence of the storm of Monday night caused the bridge to vibrate so muclt that the wooden roadway, which appears to have been con- siderably decayed, was broken up and carried away by the winds. Some of the sustaining. links are also broken. '

CIIESTE12.—" The stems of Sunday night appears, from all the information we have been able to collect, to have spread its ravages in every direction around; several houses in Chester having been unroofed by its violence, and partly re- duced to ruins; and the road from that city to the ferries on the opposite side of the Mersey being in many places so thickly strewed with trees lying across it, as to render travelling on it not only tedious, but extremely dangerous."

The Southern coast seems to have escaped the effects of the gale. It was severely- felt in the Eastern and North-eastern part of the island, especially at Ipswich, Norwich, Yarmouth, Boston, Hull, Sanderland, North Shields, New- castle, Goole, and Blyth.

Huists.—" Many persons-, accustomed to exposure to the weather, declare they hare never before known any thing to equal what they experienced on Monday morning from four to six o'clock. We regret to state that the result has been nu extensive loss of life and property, both on water and land. We commence with casualties our shore. In our town the accidents have been very numerous." [Then follows about a column of accidents of various kinds.] . IsissweAsrm...—" Almost every building has suffered more or less; there is not a street, we believe, that has not suffered very greatly. Some alarm has been felt by many for the beautiful tourer of St. Nicholas' Church, which is the pride and boast of the town; but it has stood out time blast, as it has done many previous ones."

SUNDEELAIND.—" TIIC consequences have proved more disastrous than any former storm in the memory of the oldest inhabitants. In almost every street in the town and its vicinity, some damage has been effected on property ; in some streets whole rows of chimnies are blown down; and in many instances the roofs of houses, and other parts of premises, have fallen in, from the weight of chimnies that have been blown down upon them. Several persons have re-

eeived injury ; and, lamentable to relate four perso are killed. It would be

impossible, within the limits of a single ns e sheet, to enumerate all the eases of damage done to property."

Towns in the interior suffered more or less from the storm.

YOUR.--" MAU of the houses were partially unroofed, and Some totally de-

stroyed; trees were torn up y their roots, and the strongest ivalls broken dowh. The first serious accident we heard of was of the -latter description, which occurred at the Rouse of Correction in this city. The strong outer wall was blown down, and some hundreds of pounds* worth of damage done. For- tunately the prisoners were in bed at the time of the occurrence, or many would, 111 all probability, have suffered. York Castle, the Barracks, and the venerable Cathedral, were also injured : in the hitter some of the valuable win- dows have been partially damaged, and the lead routing %vas driven a consider- able distance from the building. The loss of life has also been most serious." Many shops were closed, and business entirely at a stand. LINCOLN.--" At ten o'clock on Sunday night it was a soft air; at midnight it freshened; and shout three there was a roaring hurricane. The rattle of tiles and slates, and crash of chimney-pots, told vhat was cuing on ; and day- break presented a very wild variety of incidents to those that ventured in quest thefeof. At the gas-works, two or three tons of iron roofing %mere hurled over the rielg,e and east into the road. The chimney of Seely :old Keyworth's mill vusNvatelied with SOOIC interest ; but it stood proudly. unmove.d. ; the west- ward roof of the mill was nearly stripped. A steam-silaft at Mr. Fish's lan- yard, near the Toll-bar, bowed to the storm and fell ; and a windmill, belonging to Mr. Weatherhead, was thrown down."

BIRMIND11.111 AND TDB NEIRMISOURTIODD.—" A large quantity of lead has been torn front the roof of the Town-hall. and some of tit larg,est engine and other chimnies have been dismantled : indeed, the Ivhole distance between Wolverhampton and Birmingham, through West Bromwich, presents a similar sputnik. At Dudley, itbont six .yards en a large glass-Louse stack was thrown down, and one of the workmen seriously injured. noly stacks of hay and corn have been thrown about and seriously damaged, in Crely direction ; and coachmen and travellers represent the effects to Ictve been felt in almost every part of the kingdom."

WOLVERIIAMPTON.--" Scarcely a street is withiott overthrown (+bullies Om other injury. 'The iron-works in the neighbourhood lei ve not escaped, as is sufficiently attested by the Miffing down of fintr of the priniiipal stacks lieloug- ing to Messrs. Sparrow, W. Ward, Thorneyeroft, and others. The lout at the top of the Assembly-rooms and Library in Queen Street, Was torn up of the weight of aboot six or seven hundredweight ; and after ha% ing been rolled over by the fiwee of the tempest, %vas carried over the Iswk premises of Mr. Barter, a`distanee of twenty or thirty yards." Various other accidents are mentioned.

WORCESTER.—" A. little before twelve o'clock on Sunday night. a clap of thunder, like an artillery-shut, was heard near St. Jinni's, attended by 80 CX- traortlinary hissing like that or a rocket immediately before the explosion. The dining-room cilininey in time right wing of the lvy-honse, St..lohn's, was blown down; and falling on the roof, carried nearly the w hole of it through the ceiling. The coaches to iteid from this city were obliged to diverge from their accustomed route, in consequence or the numerous trees lying across the iTlce road."

above are merely a few selections from the mass of similar matter which the newspapers have teemed with, which for the most part present little variety.]

The storm extended to ScoTtAxo; but few particulars of its ravages have as yet been received. Dumfries appears to have suffered considerably. The Dumfries Courier says- " Since nibs- we have bad every variety of weather—frost, snow, rain, flood ; but these were very bearable alternations compared to the truly awful tempest which followed—a tempest which, as regards resistless intensity, impending danger, anmi spindling outgun ude, bore a closer resemblance to au Allies» si- moom or West Indian. tornado, than the storms, however fierce, Ila. +


sweep at certain SeaSODS the more temperate regimms of the earth. From all quarters we kern, that any thing approaching to the hurrivane alluded to is not remem- bered in the South, or perhaps any other part of Scotland : sod most assuredly we ourselves have no recollection of a night so dismal, or a morning sa disas- trous. How far the storm extended, we have no precise infinmation ; but if its range was at all general, as we fear was the case, prodigious must have liven the damage done at sea and land."

In almost every part of IRELAND time gale was severe.

DEDLI.N.—" Dublin in Inaily plaei..S present: the appearance of a sacked city. Rouses burning, others Ilaroaled, RS if by storm of shot or shell ; a few levelKal with the ground, with all their furniture within ; while the rattling of engines, cries of firemen, and labours of the military, present time very aspect and mimicry of rum! war. Royal Dublin Society—The trees in Leinstcr-lawn, of full growtfi, are torn up by the roots, and are scattered like prostrate giants on their mother earth. In Nassau Street, No. ID, a glass-shop, is a heap of ruins. In Kildare Street, the (sinter house next to the Royal Society is partly unroofed, tend the front wall in a most precarious state. In Chive Street, s stack of eltimnies fell in and destroyed a female, who had not been ten minutes in bed. In Sackville Street three Louses are unroofed. Perhaps me part of the metropolis or its vi- cinity has suffered more from the hurricane than the Royal Hospital. Com- mencing with the bend at the 'Military Road, almost every tree is levelled to the ground : and here the sentinel had a narrow escape, though Nvarned of and therefore prepared for the approaching danger, by a gentleman passing about eleven o'clock. Ile had scarcely flint' tO(Illit ill, sentry-box before it was blown from its stand, and scattered Mi. atoms. The beautiful MINIuc which led to the Old House no longer exists. The imigiiilicvn t hack mm venue of elms, which ter- minated at Kilmainhom, is almost totally destroyed. Sad, indeed, is the scene of devastation which this ancient institution presents. The vitriol-works belonging to Mr. Jones, on the Milker% -road, were damaged, it is said, to the extent of 2,9913/. On the deni..me of •Seripplestown, the seat of William Rathborne, Esq., sixty-eighty trees were uprooted—the greater part were elms of a hundred years growth. The avenue was entirely destoyed. 'The top of a large rick of hay was completely carried off It woulil be admost needless for us to recount the different streets where the storm has done its worst. Not one house has escaped uninjured ; and although the storm has in many instances only stripped the roofs, yet others have not been so fin-Monte. The suburbs, in like manner, present one scene of devastation. A great quan- tity of timber was also blown down on Lord Charlemont's demesne. •

" In the very height of the tempest, the north side of the city was thrown into consternation by the bursting out of a tire in the Bethesda, a large Protes- tant church and asylum for females. The extensive building was soon a huge volume of flame; and the streets surrounding were rendered impassable by the drifting fire and burning timber, driven aloug with fury by the wind. The Bethesda and the buildings adjacent are complete wrecks. The dwellings of the Reverend Mr. Gregg and Mr. Swann, near the church, are also consumed."

BELFAST.—" Melancholy is the tale of desolation which marked the track of the tempest ; and lamentable are the accounts (too numerous for insertion) of the destruction which it has brought, even in our own immediate neighbour- hood. Wherever we :turn our eyes, the most dreadful ravages of the hurri- cane are to be traced in our streets, squares, lanes, and unprotected suburbs, where—and especially in the latter—thousands have been bereft of a shelter. Such a scene of utter desolation we were never called to witness. Rouses erected but a few years—and some of them only a few months—left totally.. roofless ; hundreds of upper stories reildereel untenantable ; and scarcely a roof; in the wide boundary of Belfast, unscathed ley the unsparing tempest. From eleven till half-past four, the gale was so terrine that it created universal alarm for the safety of life and property. And when the ,,oray &MD of' winter broke on the affrighted citizens, a scene of universal wrcek and ruin met their eyes, in houses unroofed, ehmimoumies overthrown, walls prostrated, and lives de- stroyed. In the rural districts in our neighbourhood, the teem pest has been equally severe!. [laggards, stored with the rich spoils of harvest leave been scattered to the winds ; and many a poor farmer, in addition to time loss of his live stuck, Iv th,• 1411 it molt holes:se, will have to mourn 111e devastation of the grain crops mmm which l he depends time the payment of his rent."

[These extracts be eolith] tied through is.iyeral pages. There are similar accounts from Inineriek, Tipperar■ , Lisburn, Nenngh, Galwav' eAthlone, Mayo, Mullingar, gian!, Parsuostown, t'ashel, Borrisokane, andotlr
