The United States Government has done its beet to fulfil
the implied pledge to this country, of maintaining neutrality towards Central America, by arresting a vessel laden with adventurers to recruit the forces of Colonel Walker. But the energy displayed by the Government appears to pale in comparison with the energy that General Walker has displayed in the territory of Nicaragua itself. The Government has succeeded in stopping the "Northern Light " with 350 ragged recruita on board ; but Walker is already in the state, with a strong army ; recruits, it is understood, are flocking to his standard from California and the Southern portions of the Union ; and he is already inflicting the cruellest kind of martial law on those who oppose him. Thus,
• he is understood to have seized forty or fifty of the principal heads of families in the city of Granada, and to have shot Carrel, who attempted resistance after having surrendered the town. The latest accounts confirm our belief that Walker and Kinney are acting in concert with each other. The point that remains in obscurity is the degree of understanding that may exist between the Yankee invaders and some native party in the state. At all events, it seems to be shown by these accounts, that the Yankee movement in Central America has gone too far to be arrested by the Government at Washington. This perhaps is one reason why the public in the United States are the more content to let their Government have free course in showing its impartiality, by attempting to maintain the Neutrality Act in the South as well as in the North.