12 JANUARY 1856, page 10

As We Have No Space To Write A "novella "

of the Boccacio dimensions, we shall not attempt to describe the plot of the very amusing farce pro- duced at the Adelphi with the title Urgent Private Affairs. When a piece has......

The Swedish Nightingale.

Madame Jenny Goldschrnidt-Lind has begun a series of "miscellaneous concerts," at the Hanover Square Rooms. The first was given on Thurs- day evening. Its announcement excited......


The Beaux' Stratagem—once one of the most favourite comedies of the old repertory, now a fossil relic of another period — has been revived at the Haymarket with great success,......

Psarst&n Tinsiv.reals.

M. Alexandre Dumas, who has lately been thrown somewhat into the shade by his son, has awakened from his lethargy, and furnished the Porte St. Martin with a trilogy in the......

Topics Of The Day.

MR. COBDEN'S NEW PAMPHLET. TEE pamphlet is a lever with which an ingenious man may move the world, provided he catches the world in the disposition to be moved, and exerts his......