The Gazette of last night officially notifies that Sir James
Paike, late Baron of the Court of Exchequer, has been raised to the Peerage, "for the term of his natural life, by the name, style, and title of Baron Wens- leydale," in the North Riding of Yorkshire.
The Gazette also published a string of despatches from Admiral Stir- ling, Captain Vansiftart of the Bittern, and Captain Fellowes of the Rattler, detailing at much length several actions with piratical fleets on the West coast of China. Piracy had assumed a formidable- develop- ment; the ships in twenties and thirties were heavily armed with 18,24', and 32 pounders, and fully manned. They fought with OM and "as- tonishing spirit," and only gave way when fairly overpowered. In one action the Rattler had the assistance of the boats of the United States' frigate Powhattan ; and Captain Fellowes speaks in high terms of their conduct. The sharpness of the actions is shown by the list of killed and wounded. The British lost 4 killed and 23 wounded; the Americans lost 2 killed and 11 wounded.