Spoon Excnsxos, FRIDAY ArrEasoox.
Great excitement still prevail& in the English Stock Market on the Loan question, and the impressami increases that the amount to be raised will be considerable. The Government Broker has been a seller, and it has been reported there will be a funding of Exchequer Bills. On Wednesday ru- mours were circulated that the peace negotiations had failed. Combined with other reasons, the speculators for a fall have been encouraged to extend their Operations. In •Paris the Funds have been flat, in sympathy with our own, and from the French Government having announced an advance of 1 per cent in the rate of interest on Treasury Bonds. The settlement of the Coniol Account took place on Thursday ; and, from an over-abundance of Stock,-7 per cent was in some instances paid to continue operations till Fe- bruary. The usual preparations had for some days previously contributed to the general unsteadiness. Consols have been as low as 851 : from that point they occasionally rallied, but without signs of a healthy reaction, until yesterday -afternoon, when they improved to 861, 1 : today they are lower ; and they close, after several changes, at S5-6. The payment of the dividends to the public commenced on Wed- nesday ; but this has made no alteration in the value of money., which is in good request at 5 per cent on short loans, and out of doors the rates have not diminished. 'fhe Bank meeting yesterday passed without further in- crease in the rates of discount : to which the favourable reaction in the Funds was partly ascribed. Specie continues to be received from America : the Baltic has brought 60,0001. ; which will probably be sent to France. The silver that lately arrived from Mexico was more than sufficient for the requireinents for the East, and it is likely that a portion will be forwarded to the Continent. The Corn Market has been without alteration. The Bank of Prussia, it is said, has increased its rate of discount from 41 to 6 per cent. • Foreign Stocks have been heavy ; but some of the leading securities have been dealt in at former rates. Buenos Ayres has fallen 2 per cent ; Peru- vian and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1; Turkish Six per Cents, 1k; Ditto Scrip, f. At a meeting of Ecuador Bondholders, on Monday, resolutions were passed for adopting the necessary means for the insertion in the Official List of the Consohdated Ecuadorian Bonds, Provisional Bonds, and Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent Dollar Bonds. Railways were flat during the first portion of the week, and without much business doing. Yesterday, upon a recovery in Consols, prices rallied 58. to 108. ; which has been maintained. Great Northern, Great Western, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, are the same as last week ; but there has been a decline on the following—North-Eastern, Berwick, 11. - 'East Lancashire, London and South-Western, and South-Eastern, 10s.' London and North-Western, and Midland, 6s. The doubts respecting the rate of dividend to be announced in the forthcoming Directors' reports on various lines is a drawback to general transactions. In the French descriptions the depression has been—Northern of France, and Paris and Lyons, 11. 10s. ; Eastern of France, ll. Se.; Paris and Orleans, 11.
The English Funds are dull this msrning at the closing prices of yester- dsy ; Consols for Money are 851 6, for Account 86i 1. Exchequer Bills 7 3 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of England exhibits a decrease of 283,2341. In Foreign Stocks there has been no movement of import- ance ; Turloish Six per Cents are 80 1, Ditto Four per Cent Scrip 44 4 dis- count. In Railways no change has been recorded--Caledonian, 53E; East- ern Counties, 8k; Great Northern B, 119; Great Western, 511.
The English Funds are a shade better than they were ill the morning ; Consols for Money are now 86, and for Account 861 1. Exchequer Bills 7 to 3 discount. The heaviness in the Funds last evening and in the early part of today has been principally caused from great disappointment at the bullion return of the Bank of France for the past month, showing a depre- ciation of 772,0001. ; the total stock being now 7,980,000/. From the extent of the recent remittances from England a different result was expected. The note circulation has been augmented to the extent of 595,0001. In Fo- reign Stocks some fluctuations have occurred in Turkish Six per Cents ; they have been done at 80 791 801 791 80k; Ditto Four per Cent Scrip 41 i discount.
Railways have continued quiet—Caledonian, 53k; East Anglian, 111 ; Eastern Counties, 81 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 50; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 19k; Great Northern, 88 ; Ditto B Stock, 119; Great Western, 511 ; London and Blackwell, 5/ ; London and North-Western, 931; London and South-Western, 84k; North-Eastern—Extension, 12A; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase 10; Ditto York, 441 ; South Devon, 11. Preference Shares--Bristol and Exeter 4 per Cent Stock, 91; Great Northern 5 per Cent, Redeemable at 10 per Cent Prem., 108; Ditto 6 per Cent Scrip, Redeemable at 5 per Cent Prem., 71 ; Great Western, Convertible and 1.edeemable 41 per Cent, 86; Ditto Irredeemable 4 per Cent, 78k; Mid- land Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham Preference 41 per Cent, 11 dia. ; South Devon, lot ; East Indian Extension, 15k; Great Luxembourg Obliga- tions, 3; Paris and Lyons, 431 ; Scinde Guaranteed 5 per Cent, 51. Joint Stock Banks—English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 16k; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 151. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace Pre- ference, 4k; Electric Telegraph, 21; Van Diemen's Land, 141.
:66 1
1 861 1 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents
Ditto 4 per Cents
Mexican 3 per Cents 55 Peruvian 41 per Cents 7 Ditto 3 per Cents 7 3 di,. Portuguese 4 per Cents 217 20 Russian 5 per Cents 80 2 ex d. Ditto 41 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 91 3 Ditto Deferred 101 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 12, for the week ending on Saturday, the 5th day of Jan. 1856.
Notes issued d21,421,180 Government Debt L11,015,100
Other Securities 3,159,900
Gold Coin and Bullion 9,945,190
Silver Bullion
Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000
Government Securities (Inds-
Hest 3,285,923 ding Dead Weight Annuity). E10,827,315
Public Deposits.
5,514,333 Other Securities
Other Deposits 12,607,840 Notes 6,520,375 Seven Days and other Bills— 849,793 Gold and Silver Coin 500,729 08,810,493 43010,493
• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Comsaissloners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts.
A special meeting of the Eastern Counties RailwayiCompany is appointed to be held on the 25th instant, for the purpose of t- skn g into consideration thegeneral position of the Board of Directors and the state of the Company's affairs, and of adopting such measures and resolutions as may be deemed necessary for the due and proper administration of the affairs of the Company.
The Colonial Bank has declared a dividend for the half-year at the rate of 6 per cent per annum.
A prospectus has been issued of a "Patent Jointed Ship Company (Amited)." Capital, 50,000/. The object proposed is a novel one, being the construction and working of vessels composed of several sections, Jointed each into the other, and admitting of being readily disconnected. One en- gine, it is stated, would suffice to work three sets of sections ; one set loading at one port, a second discharging at another port, while a third is perform- ing the voyage between the ports of loading and discharge. A "Surrey Gardens Company (Limited)" is announced. The proposed capital is 40,000/. It is intended to take a lease of the Surrey Zo- ological Gardens, erect a gigantic music-hall, and give musical and other entertainments. M. Jullien has been engaged as conductor of the music for five years.
The promoters of the London Joint-Stock Warehouse Company have transferred their interest to the London, Manchester, and Foreign Ware- house Company.
It appears that the deceased Mr. Palmer was indebted to the firm of Palmer and Greene, Lichfield, 50,000/. or 60,000!.; as years went by and the claim was not liquidated, Mr. Greene was at length compelled to stop payment. He had consulted friends about stopping some four or five years ago, and was advised to go on. Coal-mines which he has are to be carried on for the benefit of the creditors. A dividend of 12s. 6d. in the pound is expected. Messrs. George Greig and Co., a London house engaged in the Cape trade, have suspended payments : liabilities, 25,000/. The prospects of the creditors of Mr. Oliver of Liverpool grow gloomier ; ship ventures from which much was expected having turned oat disastrous.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock
Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents . Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents
FN 5 63664 ox 1.
191 20 73 5 51 3
.... 45 7 ex d.
95 7
85 7 ex d. 38 l6 214 2 ar 3 81 7