Speaking at Hawick on Monday last, Mr. Campbell-Banner- man declared
that the strength of the Liberals lay in "the principles of justice and equality." Therein it was that they had the advantage of their political opponents. One does not expect the tone of Pecksniff from the War Secretary. Equally unexpected was the delicious bathos under which the charge of lack of principle was immediately capped' by that of lack of a programme. That is very much like saying that not only is the greengrocer unprincipled, but. that he does not even advertise. The Liberals attacked, and' the Tories defended, exclusive privilege. They advocated,. and the Tories opposed, political equality. Yet Mr. Camp- bell-Bannerman and his friends will do nothing to abate the privilege under which Ireland has so very much more- voting-power than London. The most glaring example of political inequality at the present day is the fact that in Galway it takes only some sixteen hundred voters to send a Member to Parliament, while in Wandsworth nearly sixteen thousand are required.