We Deeply Regret To Record The Death, At The Age
of eighty- one, of Sir James Lacaita, the most accomplished of Anglicised Italians, who knew English better than most Englishmen know it, and spoke it as correctly, though with......
We Are Glad To Note That At A Meeting Held
at the West- minster Palace Hotel on Thursday, "The Navy League," the formation of which has been in contemplation for some time past, was definitely established. The object of......
The British Government Is Anxious To Lease An Uninhabited...
from the Republic of Hawaii as a station for a cable telegraph from Australia to Canada. The Hawaiian Govern- ment is willing, and indeed anxious, to grant a request which would......
Mr. Gladstone, Writing To The Publisher Of A Book On
"The Speech of Man and Holy Writ," says :—" If speech were only radical human invention, how could it have happened that an ancient language like the Greek (still more, as I......
There Is No End To The Mental Activity Of The
German Emperor. Indeed, considering the pace at which his mind moves, we hardly wonder that his subjects, who, though a thoughtful, are not a rapid people, get a little......
The Nomination For The Evesham Division Of Wor-...
fill up the vacancy cau.ed by the death of Sir Edmund Lechmere, is fixed for Tuesday next, and the polling for Tuesday week. The Glad stonians have some hope of winning the seat......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (2-1) were on Friday, 1041.......
The "hungarian Crisis" Has Advanced One Short Step. Count...
Hedervary has failed to form a Government, and the only remaining alternatives are Count Banffy, who is a determined Liberal, a recall of Dr. Wekerle, or a Conserva- tive......
The King Of The Belgians Has Given Up The Attempt
to retain the Congo State as a personal possession of his family. He originally expended on the dependency a sum of £1,600,000, inherited from his father ; but the receipts have......