We are glad to note that at a meeting held
at the West- minster Palace Hotel on Thursday, "The Navy League," the formation of which has been in contemplation for some time past, was definitely established. The object of the League is generally to direct and inform public opinion on Naval matters, and to support the Government of the day in securing the command of the sea to the United Kingdom. The "command of the sea" is, as it were, the watchword of the League. In order, however, to carry out this principle, they will have as a more specific object, the creation of a new post to be held by a Naval expert, who is to act as adviser to the Cabinet, and whose business it will be not to make £18,000,000, or whatever it may be, go as far as possible, but to lay down exactly what are the Naval needs of the nation. It is not, of course, contemplated for a moment that this officer should dictate to the Cabinet. His opinion will be recorded and published, and it will be for the Government to decide whether or not to accept his plans. It is not always possible to carry out even the best policy; but, at any rate, the country will know where it stands. The League is strictly non-political, and will be quite as much supported and influenced by Glad- stonians as by Unionists. It was stated most emphatically at the preliminary meeting that though the League was most grateful for the help and publicity given it by the Pall Mall Gazette, it was in no sort of way officially connected with that or any other paper. We heartily wish the League success. It should be said that membership is secured by the annual subscription of a guinea, but that Associates will be warmly welcomed by the League on payment of any subscription, however small. The address of the Hon. Secretary is W. H. Welsh, Esq., 13 Victoria Street, S.W.